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My mom and I landed at the John F. Kennedy International Aiport at 2 am. I had slept for the majority of the flight. We were greeted by my dad who engulfed us both into a hug. "I missed you guys so much" He said. "We missed you too" My mom said giving him a kiss. "Absolutely disgusting, stop the pda" I said embarrassed to be seen with them.

We soon made our way to the car to head home. It was an hour drive so I took the time to get some more sleep. Once we arrived, I quietly walked around my house trying not wake my brothers. As much as I loved being in California, I loved my house and just being with my family. I made my way up to my room. It was just as I left it, my queen size bed nicely made with my favorite stuffed animal buttercup in the middle of my two pillows. Buttercup was a dark brown build a bear that I was given after my first figure skating lesson and ever since then I fell in love with the stuffed animal. I brought buttercup to every figure skating competition and showcase.

I jumped on my bed and squeezed buttercup while I slowly fell asleep. Little did I know a very important conversation was going on behind my back.

hey jacob i have a
serious question

what's up xolito

do you like rachel?

why would you think that

jacob answer the question or
i'll tell rachel you're a fake
magic fan

okay i might like her a little
bit why

i think she likes u back

no she would never like me

after your hug this morning
she was blushing like a lot

stop rn i swear xolo if ur
messing w me

i'm not messing jacob

wow i'm actually shocked rn

I woke up a few hours later to my brothers playing music in my room. Oh I did not miss this part of being home. I gave them hugs happy to see there annoying faces again. James didn't like the hug while my younger brother Brandon embraced the hug.

We all soon went down stairs to eat the breakfast my dad had made for all of us. Brandon had watched cobra kai with me so he had so many questions about what it was like meeting the cast. I didn't say too much about meeting Jacob because Brandon had knew he was my celebrity crush and he would just make fun of me.

After breakfast I made my way back up to my room. I threw myself onto my bed and started to think about what I wanted to do today when my thoughts were interrupted by my phone ringing on my night stand. "Who would even be calling me" I groaned as I got up to check. My phone read "Jacob <3". I quickly answered the facetime call. "Hey Jacob" I said smiling. "Hey Rach, how was the flight?" He said. "eh it was pretty good, as you could probably guess I slept most of the flight" I said closing my door hoping my nosey bothers wouldn't hear. "Yeah I figured." Jacob laughed. "How does it feel to be home"."It feels good but you know not as fun as hanging out with you guys" I said while laughing. "I have go to San Diego Comic Con today but I just wanted to check on you. I'll call you later" Jacob said with a warm smile. "Okay, have fun at Comic Con J!" I said as I ended the call. Wow Jacob called me just because he wanted to that has to be a good sign.

𝖋𝖔𝖗 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖋𝖎𝖗𝖘𝖙 𝖙𝖎𝖒𝖊 - Jacob Bertrand Where stories live. Discover now