Rachel Thompson books the role of "Sheila" in Fear Street Part 2: 1978. She then goes on to do interviews before the premiere little does Rachel know one of these interviews will change her life as she knows it.
Jacob Bertrand x female OC
I woke up and felt Jacobs arms around me. I slowly got out of bed so I didn't wake up Jacob. I then started getting ready to pack for California tonight. I took a quick shower got changed and began to do Jacob and I'd laundry. Once they were finished I folded all of them and started packing my suitcase. Jacob soon woke up and sat next to me on my floor laying his head on my shoulder. "You're finally up" I said running my fingers through his hair. "Yup and i'm still tired. Thanks for doing my laundry Rach" He mumbled giving me a kiss on the cheek. "I'm going to shower" He added. "Okay i'm going to try to finish packing because our flight is at 4 pm and it's already 12 pm. I soon finished packing everything I need for my time in California. Once Jacob was out of the shower he finished packing and brought out suitcases down to my dads car.
It was soon 2 pm so we had to leave for the airport. We said goodbye to my family giving them all hugs. We soon got in the car and Jacob passed out on my shoulder for the hour drive. Once we got to the airport I said goodbye to my dad "I'll call you when the flight lands" I said waving bye to him. Jacob and I sat waiting to board our flight. Jacob insisted I take a picture of him because he was wearing his cowboy hat. He then posted it on instagram.
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Liked by xolo_mariduena and 2,836, 517 others
thejacobbertrand heading home 🕺
429,573 other comments xolo_mariduena can't wait to kiss ur cute face🥰 peytonlist ew don't come back ur cringe 🤢 racobshipper23 he's leaving rachel :((( brandonthompson Jacob left bc he is scared I'll beat him in hockey — thejacobbertrand not true bray gianni_decenzo ur so lame jacob therachelthompson Jacob was so upset he lost to me in magic he left — thejacobbertrand that is just not true
A few minutes after I commented on Jacob's post our plane started boarding. Jacob and I made our way to our seats and soon our plane took off. I slept most the flight to California
After around 5 hours our plane landed and we made our way to find Jacob's brother Blake's car. "Hop in losers" Black said laughing. Jacob put our suitcases in his trunk and we then got in the car. "Hi i'm Rachel, it's really nice to meet you" I said to Blake. "Hi Rachel, I'm Blake the best Bertrand in the family" He said to get Jacob annoyed. I laughed at the sour look on Jacob's face.
After a hour drive we arrived at Jacob and Xolo's house. Jacob had convinced Xolo to have some of the cast over so 'Jacob could come to them' when in reality we were going to surprise all them with me. Jacob gets out of the car and goes inside to his house to greet everyone. "Guess who's back" He said getting the attention of everyone. "Hey Jacob" They all said happy to see their friend again. "So how was New York?" Gianni asked. "More importantly how was my bae Rachel?" Peyton asked. "New York was cool and Rachel's good, she wishes she could be here" Jacob said going to unlock the sliding back door near their living room couch that everyone was sitting on. While Jacob made small talk I made my way to the back door to come in to surprise everyone. "I would actually die if Rachel came back to cali with you" Mary said. "Literally same" everyone else agreed. I decided this was the perfect time to come in. I opened up the door and walked in "I'm begging you please don't die" I said. Everyone's faces dropped they all came running up to me engulfing me in hugs. "I'm going to cry" Peyton says squeezing me. "How did Jacob and you actually manage to surprise us" Gianni said. "We are just that good" I said fist bumping Jacob.
Soon we all settled down in the living room. Jacob and I looked at each other and shook our heading knowing this was the perfect time to tell our friends about our relationship. "So we have something to tell you guys" Jacob said. "Did you join a cult?" Xolo asked "Xolo, I seriously wonder what goes on in your head" I said putting my hand on my head. "No that's not it Xolito. It is that Rachel and I are dating" Jacob said smiling at me. "NO WAY" Mary screams. "You guys are so cute together" Tanner adds. "I just lost my bae to a nerd" Peyton Jokes. "So does this mean Rachel will be around more often?" Gianni asks. "Yup I'll be around a lot more" I said. "Congrats you guys but I already knew you both liked each other" Xolo said acting like he was cool. "I have a thing for sensing connections" He added. We soon all got pictures together.
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Liked by therachelthompson and 2,396,829 others
xolo_mariduena Jacob is back 😍 oh and my favorite magic player (rachel) is here
see 528,394 other comments peytonlist i love rachel😘 thejacobbertrand xolo u look so sexy user1882 Jacob and Rachel went to cali together !!!!! cobrakaiseries rachel is definitely apart of cobra kai👊 therachelthompson you love me xolo