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It's now 7 am July 20th and for the next 6 days Jacob and I have became a lot closer and very flirty. We typically facetimed for at least an hour every morning and every night. We also texted many times throughout the day. My feelings for Jacob continued to grow. I wasn't too sure how Jacob felt. We would flirt a good amount so part of my thought there was a good chance he liked me.

After 2 hours of laying in bed Jacob facetimed me. "Good morningggg princess" Jacob yelled. "Jacob it's too early to be yelling" I whined turning my volume on my phone down. "Sorry just excited for today" He replied in quieter voice. "What plans do you have today that make you so excited sir?" I asked. "Xolo and I will be having a magic day" Jacob said widely smiling. "I'm guessing you guys will spend the day playing magic" I said sadly wishing I could play with them. "We wish you could join us but you'll be in our hearts throughout the game" He said making a heart with his fingers. "You better not lose to Xolo" I said laughing. We then went on to talk about my plans for the day and just talk about what we had planned for the rest of the week. I didn't mention that my birthday was in 2 days. I hoped he forgot about it so he wouldn't feel guilty for not being able to come to New York.

Today I decided to hang with my family. We decided to play some hockey together at the rink. Although I was a figure skater I was first a hockey player. My dad was good at every sport he ever played so once he had James,Brandon, and I, he knew he wanted to put us all in hockey. I did pretty good in hockey for the first few practices but once 4 year old me saw the figure skaters practicing I was set on becoming a figure skater. My dad thought that was an amazing idea and my parents soon put me in figure skating lessons.

The teams for our small hockey game was my dad and me versus my mom, Brandon, and James. My dad and I absolutely dominated although Brandon and James put up a very good fight. My mom on the other hand wasn't about the hockey life. She had preferred to watch not to play.

We got back to my house around 3 pm and I had checked my emails on my computer. I saw my manger had sent me a few auditions. I looked them over a few times and then got ready to film my self tapes. I made my way to my basement where I filmed most of my self tapes. I did what felt like a million takes until I felt it was perfect.

After finishing it was now 6 pm and I was extremely exusted from the day so I jumped on the coach we had downstairs in our basement. I scrolled through tiktok dying of laughter. I had a tiktok account but never really posted that much. I decided to make a tiktok lip syncing to "Kiss of Life" by Sade. Once I posted it I started to gain lots of more followers. I was truly thrown back by this because all I posted was a video of my lip syncing.

James soon joined me down in the basement and somehow convinced me to help him practice his wrestling moves. We made our way over to where his wrestling mats and other workout equipment was in our basement. We soon began to practice, I didn't know too much about wrestling so James quickly pinned me.

After an hour of practice with James and getting my butt absolutely kicked over and over, I made my way up to my room to get ready to call Jacob like we did every night.

It was 10 pm and I waited for Jacob's call. I figured he may have got caught up a with Xolo since they had such a big day planned. Soon it was 10:45 pm and I was completely bummed because I haven't gotten a text from Jacob since earlier today and no nightly facetime. To make myself feel better I made myself a bowl of ice cream and began shoving my face.

Suddenly I heard a knock on the door. I was confused on who the heck would be knocking on my door at 11 pm on a tuesday night. My mom who was sitting on the living room couch quickly got up and insisted on me getting the door. I noticed she was recording me, which I thought was very weird but I continued to walk to the door. I opened the door to see the most beautiful boy in front of me, Jacob. I screamed and quickly jumped into his arms. He squeezed me tight while walking through my front door. "How the hell are you even here right now" I said excitedly. "Did you really believe magic day with Xolo? It was all a set up so I could get on a plane and come here" Jacob said giving me a kiss on the cheek. I felt my face quickly heat up "You're the best J".

I introduced Jacob to my family. We all sat down on my living room couch and had a group conversation. Jacob fit perfectly in with our family. After an hour conversation my mom told Brandon he had to go to bed since is was already 12 am. He got up dragging his feet on the floor while walking up to his room. James had followed behind Brandon because he wanted to play on his pc.

I showed Jacob to my bedroom where he put his stuff down. "You are more than welcome to stay in our guest bedroom if you don't want to stay in my room" I said smiling at him. "No i'm fine staying here with you" He said tackling me onto my bed. Jacob then proceeded to start tickling me, I couldn't stop laughing. Jacob and I sat on my bed talking about my family and my life in New York until he picked up buttercup. "Rachel has a teddy bear?" He questioned holding buttercup in his arms. "Buttercup is not just a teddy bear. He is a good luck charm, I bring him to every figure skating competition and showcase." I explained. "Aw that's cute just like you" Jacob says.

Jacob and I take a cute picture together before we put on gilmore girls. I checked my phone to see Jacob has posted the picture.

 I checked my phone to see Jacob has posted the picture

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Liked by missmarymouser and 2,039,290 others

thejacobbertrand new york is pretty cool when ur with someone cool @therachelthompson

missmarymouser you guys are the cutest :)
xolo_mariduena u stealing my boyfriend @therachelthompson
— thejacobbertrand don't be jealous
cobrakaifan278 pls tell me ur dating
peytonlist rachel is mine hoe😠
fearstreetfan48 don't be shy just tell us ur dating
therachelthompson you think i'm cool😘
thejacobbertrand absolutely not🙄

Jacob and I soon drifted to sleep while cuddling.

𝖋𝖔𝖗 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖋𝖎𝖗𝖘𝖙 𝖙𝖎𝖒𝖊 - Jacob Bertrand Where stories live. Discover now