Chapter 1

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Time has passed these years, many have grown and some have connected with dragons, even there are some dragon talkers that have been going around the world while Leyla and Dak didn't know even Winger and others.

Island of Huttsgalor hasn't changed a bit except dragons living there, more shelters and houses have been built more and leave few spots for dragons living and for their nest. In the house, 5 kids are playing around and laughing joyfully.

3 kids have red hair while 2 kids have brown and black hair color. Tall man tries to calm them down as he orders them to sit right now as kids did.

Man: ( chuckles ) you kids sure are hyper kids arent you?

Youngest girl: we just wanted to play...

Man: oh, of course...

He takes the seat when he sits down.

Man: I invited your parent's friend's children to come over here so I can tell you guys a story.

Youngest son: oh, is this about how you and Aunt Leyla met?

Youngest daughter: yea, uncle i wanted to know!

They children were chatting more loudly and agreeing to know how Leyla and the man met. He smiles and shakes his head softly when young dragon's come in and close the door.

Man: alright, alright, alright. But that's in the middle of the story... you guys haven't heard from the beginning of the story... and who you might be?

They look at the Razorwing female behind her half two brothers and half sister.

Half Razorwing and half Firefuries male: this is our half sister, Keller. She's a Razorwing dragon, from our dad's side.

Keller: Nice to meet you guys... you kids must be Leyla and Dak's children. I heard so much about you from our dad, Cutter.

Half Razorwing and half Firefuries male: anyway, this is Wes, he is married to Leyla and has two kids, both of them are twins Shelly and Danny. Dak has three kids, and yeah he has twins too they are the oldest Adam and Elle, their young son, Neil. and you already know my brother and sister.

Keller: not really, well he tried but things kept going in his way all of time.

She rolls her eyes softly.

Shelly: I thought he always has time...?

Danny: I think she might be talking about a joke he always likes to do. It's his hobby.

They laugh except Keller but instead she smiles.

Half Razorwing and half Firefuries male: her name is Quinn, my brother, Dez. and since you already know mine.

Keller: Of course I do, dad has to take you to Razor class for training and that's where i'm part of it, Walt.

Walt: Hey, it is not my fault that I have a Razorwing breed while I'm still half, anyway, for short, this is Summer and Winger's kids, Polly, Xander, Willow, and Eddie. Our Uncle Burple's only daughter and adopted daughter is Razorwing.

Quinn: don't also forget that we also have an adopted sister Razorwing too, her name is–.

Keller: Alex... i know her.

They notice that there is something wrong between Walt and Keller, even Quinn even so, Alex isn't here.

Wes: so, speaking of Alex, is she coming?

Burple's adopted sister: I'm afraid not, I looked for her this morning around the island... she was nowhere to be found. I'm worried about her, Uncle Wes...

Wes: I'm sure she is going to be okay, you know how she is. She is strong and tough like her mother, Aggro. No matter that she is adopted.. She is still always part of your family.

He looked at Aggro and Cutter' kids as they smiled, so did Kelly.

Wes: I guess something happened yesterday... is it?

Quinn: We had no idea what happened, when they came. Alex shut us completely off, basically all of us, even mom and dad. Keller storm into the roost to have a talk with our dad beside Walt.

Keller: While me and Walt are fighting, we didn't even notice that Eliza left to find Alex but she is nowhere to be found. We can tell that she is upset and angry.

Alex: mom, dad, uncles, aunts, and our family and friends are out there looking for her.

Shelly: What happened, what is fighting all about?

Keller: It's a better idea if you guys don't know.

Dragons went to sit down next to children.

Wes: ( sighs ) your parent's lifes never been perfect nor normal, neither am i. Your parent argument sorta reminds me of the past. How is your parent handling it?

Quinn: I don't know what to say... our parents are fighting a little bit about a female dragon with a kid or something else like that.

Walt: When mom found out that dad kept it a secret from her and us, she became angry and fought with him. Right now they are on lookout to find Alex.

Wes:... Now, let me tell you guys a story starting from the beginning, if you guys want to hear.

Keller: well... sure I don't mind hearing it..

Others nodded softly.

Wes: Like I said, their lifes never been normal nor perfect. Some have kept secrets and some others are waiting to be discovered that we never knew that could exist. It all started when Leyla and Dak were 18 years old, and dragons had grown into young adults.

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