Chapter 4

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Next day, early in the morning, at the island miles away from Huttsgalor. Cutter recently woke up in a cave close to a Razorwing female dragon. He looked around and noticed that he didn't return home. He panicked and got up right away when the Razorwing female woke up.

Razorwing female: why up so early...?

Cutter: Sorry, I should be back home last night, Wendy.

Wendy: ( sighs annoy ) you didn't tell them that you will be staying overnight, isn't that what you wanted?

He looks at her.

Cutter: I didn't, I didn't plan to stay overnight.

Wedny: babe, it's been over three months and you still haven't moved on, uh...?

Cutter: they are my friends, i wasn't ready yet to leave them.

Wendy: Cutter... I think it is time for you to move in and start something new, why are they important right now?

Cutter:... I'm sorry, Wendy.

He left the cave and flew all the way to Huttsgalor when he got to Roost at noon. Rescue Riders saw him show up.

Leyla: Hi Cutter, what happened last night?

Burple: yea, Winger was gonna to send us to the search party.

Others chuckles while Winger and Cutter roll their eyes.

Summer: Anyway, we wanted to talk about...

Aggro: we already know that you're seeing someone.

Dak: And you don't have to hide that.

Cutter: oh, wow, um thanks for giving tips... we both aren't officially mates yet.

Winger: how long have you both been together?

Cutter: uh, i think about it for a few weeks...

He lied and didn't want them to know.

Leyla: oh, okay... um well you know the rule when it hits a month, right?

Cutter: yea, yea, dragon thing.

Burple: so, why keep that from us?

Cutter: oh, well no reason... Anyway sorry for arriving late, I must've overslept.

He laughs nervously.

Burple: nothing new... we both are about to leave for my sister's home. She was not feeling well so we wanted to visit.

They nodded when they both left the Roost.

Dak: O-Kay... that's the most awkward to hear from Cutter.

Leyla: yeah... anyway I mean to tell you guys about leaving Huttsgalor for a few years.

They look at her.

Winger: what, why...?

Leyla: I wanted to travel around the world alone, to find something new and interesting...

Dak: I don't know, have you talked about it with Chief Duggard?

Leyla: yea, for while...

Winger: Well, I can't just say no because you're already 18... I don't think you're ready enough to  travel alone.

Leyla: How come?

Winger: sometimes older brother have reason, beside there could be booty traps around

Leyla: Yeah, I already knew that... but I can't take care of myself.

Winger I will think about it, alright...?

She nodded and didn't bother to talk back and have respect from her adoptive brother. Meanwhile Burple and Cutter got to the cave where Alex was living with Cutter's parents.

Cutter: hi, mom, hi dad. How is Alex feeling?

Cutter's dad: not good. Seems there is something wrong with her stomach and her bottom is leaking.

Cutter: That's not good.. Which is which base on color?

Cutter's mom: it doesn't have color with it, and she's a Razorwing breed of dragon. I think it was a mix of being pregnant and having a stomach problem. I have to speak Burple, privately.

They leave and Cutter stays behind, he walks to Alex and his dad, Alex is groaning painfully and laying on the nest.

Cutter: are the eggs gonna come out..?

Cutter's dad: she is not gonna live, but egg will if she keeps pushing it.

Cutter: just one egg?

Cutter's dad: yea, i triple checked...

Cutter:... I can ask Leyla and a friend of hers for help, they will know what to do.

Cutter's dad: it was her decision... she wanted the egg out and live...

Cutter: Yeah, I would have agreed with it.

He frowns and looks upset when he looks outside and sees his mother talking the bad news to Burple and can see they do not look happy. Alex is adopted by Burple's parents and raises them as their own daughter.

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