Bloodlust Pt: 2

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Brandon's POV
"Guys...I think I may know what's going on." Lucas says. I huff as I hold onto Inmo, he struggled against me. "Oh yeah, please enlighten us." I said through gritted teach. He hums, looking at Inmo. "Well, I think it has something to do with blood. I mean, he did come after me when I started bleeding and he only started acting up again when I came closer." I said. Devin hummed. "That makes sense...he is a half-Devil right?" Devin questions. I nod. "Yeah...that's what he told us." I confirmed. "Devils in general aren't usually the nicest and very violent too. Maybe it's because of that." Devin suggests. I hum. He has a point. "Alright, Lucas, go clean up and bandage that wound." I order. He nods, turning and leaving. As soon as he was out of eyesight Inmo stopped struggling, his eyes went back to normal. He looked up at me. "Why are you holding me?" He asks. It also seems he has no memory of what happens when he's in that state. " you know if you like drinking blood." He blinked. "What's that?" He asked. I eternally facepalmed. "It's a red liquid, it comes from your body. He makes and 'oh' face. "Oh yeah, I met a guy the other day. He was surrounded by that red liquid, it smelled really good. I think I bit him for some reason. Then he said something about helping my bloodlust but I don't know what that really means." He said. My eyes widen. So then...was todays event the fault of a third party? Who would do this though. "Can you tell me what he looked like?" I asked. He hummed. "Well. I remember he had a red streak in his hair but that's all." He said. A red streak...Eden. That makes sense. He must have put a spell on Inmo or something.

"Right so here's the plan, we're going to storm Edens island, and force him to turn Inmo back to normal." Ritchie said. Lucas sighed. "Wow, real smart Ritchie." He said with a surprising amount of sass. Inmo was standing behind me. I gave him a run down on the situation but he still doesn't get it. That's fine, he doesn't need to understand. As long as we help him.

Everything was going smoothly. We were doing well when suddenly. Inmo froze. I turned towards him. "Inmo are you okay?!" I asked. He didn't budge or make a sound. Well he didn't for a second, then he moved. He lunged at me. I dodged, he stumbled a bit but regained his composure quickly. Why's he attacking me? Nobody's bleeding, and even if someone was he'd have no reason to attack me. That's when a heard a dark laugh. "Excellent work, kill him." The voice said, I looked up to see Eden above us. I didn't have time to say anything because Inmo attacked again.

We went back and forth for a while. Eventually Inmo collapsed. His breath was labored and he was covered in bruises. I went over to him just in time when he passed out. I caught him in my arms. I looked up at Eden who had a disappointed expression. I didn't even get to attack because Lucas did, sending a water blade at him. Upon impact the double disappeared. Guess he was too scared to show his face in the flesh.

I looked down at the sleeping Inmo in my lap. We had returned to the island. He shifted, opening his eyes. "Oh, Hi Mr. Brandon." He greeted. I smile. "Good morning Inmo." I said. He hummed. "Is everything okay now?" He asked. I nodded. " let's work on that bloodlust problem of yours..."

Alls well that ends well.

-The End-

My brain ran out of fuel before it reached the gas station.

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