Thank You Kisses

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Requested by: Zz_Whatever_zZ

Inmo's POV
"Alright gang! Grab your popcorn and prepare your hearts for the first ever Divinus Movie Night!!" David exclaimed, sported a grin. I hummed, grabbing the bowl of popcorn I had been given. I'm not really sure what a movie is but it sounded fun so I decided to join in. Blake sighed, leaning against Raindrop, weird. "It's too bad not everyone could join in." She said. Kit huffed, crossing her arms. "As long as he's not here." She said. Raindrop sighed. "Please, let us have a nice and peaceful night." He said. I hummed. "I just wanna see what this movie thing is." I said. David gasped. "You don't know what a movie is?!" He questioned. I nodded. "No, but I wanna see!" I chirped. Raindrop laughed. "Well, I hope you enjoy it." He said. Blake nodded. "Yeah, Movies can be fun."

It was interesting. There were people moving in a weird box. I watched intently as a strange scene happened. The girl with brown hair put her lips on the other girl's lips for a moment and then pulled away, laughing. The girl with red hair looked confused. "What was the meaning of that?!" She questioned. The brown haired girl chuckled. "That's how you say thank you in this world." She explained. I blinked. I never knew you could thank someone that way. If that's the case then I've been doing it wrong! I gotta start doing it right!

Brandon's POV
I took in a breath. Todays training session was tiring. I looked down at Inmo who had fallen to the ground. He got up quickly. "Thank you for the training Mr. Brandon!!" He exclaimed, before coming closer. I blinked. He stood on his toes and put his lips against mine. My mind drew a blank. He pulled away, a smile on his face. "I'll be going now Mr. Brandon!" He said before running off. I took a moment. "Did he just..." I started, bringing my hand to touch my lips. He did. But why? It's not like Inmo to go kissing someone. Wait? Does he like me? Like, like like me? That wouldn't be good. I mean. I'm Aro so I don't like anyone in that way. If he really does like me in that way then I should tell him sooner rather then later. I don't want to hurt his feelings. I took in a breath. Right!

I looked around when I spotted David with Plant. I came over to them. "Hey guys, have either of you seen Inmo?" I asked. David hummed while Plant came running up to me, hugging my leg. I smiled down at them. "Well, not since our movie night. Why are you looked for him anyways?" He questioned. My face heated up. It's a little embarrassing. "Well...earlier...after training. He thanked me but then he...he kissed me. I'm worried that he may have feelings for me so I wanted to make sure his heart didn't get broken." I explained, averting eye contact. He burst out laughing. "Wait, are you serious?! You actually think he might like you?" He questioned. I blinked. "What other explanation is there?" I asked. He took in a breath, regaining his composure. "Listen, if I remember correctly there was a scene in the movie we watched were two girls kissed and one of them was actually from another world and asked what the kiss was. The other girl lied and said it was how you said 'thank you.' He explained. I blinked, taking in the information. That does add up with what happened...he chuckled. "Knowing Inmo he probably thought that was actually how you say thank you." He finished. My face was probably bright red. "Are you serious?! I was panicked because I thought I would break his heart but you're telling me this is because of a movie?!" I questioned. He chuckled. "Yep, although you should be grateful you ran into me before finding him. Otherwise you would have been put into a situation more awkward then this one." He said. I couldn't help but smile. "Yeah, you're right. Thank you David."

I knocked on the door. I know he doesn't like me but I don't want him causing confusion for anyone else so I should clear this up for him. He opened the door. "Oh, hey Mr. Brandon." He greeted. I stepped into the house. "Hey Inmo. I came to talk to you about earlier." I started off. He tilted his head. "Okay?" He questioned. I sat on his couch and gestured for him to sit next to me. He did so. "So earlier today. You kissed me after training. You know, the thing where you put your lips on my lips." I said. He nodded. "Yeah, so?" He questioned. I sighed. "Well, David informed me that the movie you watched informed you that kissing is how you say 'thank you' I'm here to let you know that that's not sure." I explained. He frowned. "But the people in the box said it was." He said. I shook my head. "That's true but sometimes the people in the box say things that aren't true. So you should never believe something just because the people in the box said it." I explained. He hummed. "If that's true...then what does kissing mean?" He asked. I blinked. "Well, it's a sign of affection. Take Blake and Lucas for example. They have a romantic relationship, meaning that they're attracted to each other in a different way then Lucas is to David. They'll kiss sometimes because of that attraction." I tried my best to explain. He hummed. "So why can't I kiss you?" He asked. I sighed. "Two reasons. 1: I'm what you call Aro, meaning I'm not attracted to anyone in that way. 2: We'd only kiss if we were in a relationship like that but we're not so you don't kiss me, and that goes for every other person." I said. He nods. "Okay...I don't really get it but I guess I won't do it anymore if you don't want me too." He said. He smiled. "Good."

-The End-

Trying to explain love is like trying to explain the meaning of life.

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