Runaway Experiment?!

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This takes place in season 4, before they really knew about Inmo being a half-Devil.

Requested by: bronxdale39

Brandon's POV
I hum, looking through the requests that just came in, stamping each one with the proper letter to be put on the board. That was until I came across a certain request. I read it. 'Looking for someone to capture a dangerous experiment that got loss, this experiment is highly unstable, it's weakness includes loud noises. It's of low Intelligence.' I blink, odd, I've never seen a request like this. The way the so blatantly call it an experiment sounds suspicious. I hum, turning the page. There was a picture. I scanned it, finding it familiar. The tail...the hair...I haven't seen that style in a bit but I know it. This is Inmo! He looks younger but he has some pretty distinct features. Wait, so he was an experiment? I guess...I'll be scrapping this quest. I'll have to inform my brother and maybe talk to Inmo himself about this.

"Wait, so Inmo's some sort of experiment and now the people who experimented on him are after him?" Ritchie questioned. I nodded. "That's what it seems like, I'm worried though. It's no secret that Inmo's in our guild. It wouldn't be difficult for them to find him. I don't trust them despite not having met them, I have a feeling they don't have good intentions." I said. He hummed. "Well, lucky for Inmo, he's a part of the strongest guild in Alantide." He said with a smile. I nodded. "We'll protect him."

Inmo's POV
I was humming to myself while I stared at the ceiling of my room. I heard a knock on the door. "Come in!!" I called. The door opened. "Hey Inmo...what are you doing?" I heard Mr. Brandon's voice asked. I pushed myself into a sitting position. "Just staring at the ceiling. What are you guys doing here?" I asked in return. Mr. Brandon turned to Sir. Ritchie who nodded. He turned back to me. "We wanted to ask a few questions." He said. I blinked. He hummed, coming over he sat on the floor beside me while Sir. Ritchie remained standing. "Ask away." I said. He hummed. "Alright I'll get straight to the point, what do you remember about your past, answer truthfully." He asked. I hummed, thinking back. "I remember...pain, lots of pain and laughter and running...then I was here." I answered. He blinked. "Is that all?" He questions. I hum. "Yep." I chirped. He sighed. "Well, that's all I really need to know." He said. Sir. Ritchie stepped up. "Listen Inmo, we believe there are some bad people after you, so you'll have to stay on the island until further notice." He said. I frowned. "Oh...okay..." I agreed although I was upset. This means I can't go do special training with boss or go on quests. Mr. Brandon sighs. "Don't be sad, you'll just have to find things to do around the island." He said. I hummed. "Okay." I agreed, it was all I could do.

I hum, walking over to a group of people. "Hey guys!" I greeted. Kit hummed. "Hey Inmo, what's up?" He asked. I sighed. "I'm not allowed to leave the I'm looking for things to do." I said. David laughed. "So they finally had the brains to keep you from causing damage!" He yelled out. I blinked. "What do you mean?" I questioned. He sighed, shaking his head. "Never mind." He said. Mario hummed. "Wait, is what David said the reason or is it something else?" He questioned. I shrugged. "I think Sir. Ritchie said something about people being after me, he didn't really explain..." I answered. They blinked. "Someone's after you?" Kit squeaked. I shrugged. "Maybe, I don't really know..." I said. David sighed. "Do you ever stop causing trouble? Sometimes I wonder why we even let you into the guild." He said. Kit huffed. "David! Don't be so rude!" She scolded. I blinked, turning and walking away. Mario spoke. "I have to agree, he may not be the brightest but he's still our friend I guess." He said. David huffed. "Yeah...I guess. Maybe I am being a little harsh but if he can't take a few rude comments then he'll never earn A-rank, let alone S-rank." He said. Kit sighed. "Yeah, you have a point." Mario hummed. "Hey, where'd he go?"

I hum. I feel a little weird. I can't figure it out. Just something whenever David or someone else says something like that or calls me names. Is it...sadness? I don't usually feel like this. Usually I'm happy, at least I think I am. Weird...

-To Be Continued-

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