.w.- This is a story. Could not come up with title.

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This is on the longer side. If you haven't noticed, I do write longer stories nowadays.

Ship: No ship lolz

Au- Jupiter take over v.2

Guess what?

I wrote a fight scene! It's not super long but I'm pretty sure it's the first fight scene I've written and I think it came out pretty good. No I lied, it is decently long, but it's kind of split up into two fights.

Probs similar to lots of other stories I've done, but there's not much I can do with just one character.


The blight had almost consumed Brandon. Jupiter had been regaining control more often, leaving the guild worried. Well, Inmo wasn't worried. Though, he didn't understand what was going on. Some people kept it that way because they didn't want him to have to worry, namely Brandon. Others just didn't want to bother trying to explain anything to him.

The day Jupiter took full control came.

Inmo wasn't in the guildhall at the time, having just got back from a quest.

When he walked into the guildhall all proud of himself for completing the quest with a smile on his face...he was met by the sight of his guild mates on the ground.

Not dead, only unconscious.

Inmo was confused, he shook a few people, trying to wake them to no avail. He looked around, not knowing what this meant.

"Uh, hello?" He called out, not sure why. He just felt as if someone was there.

"Ohhhh?" A strange voice called from somewhere above him.

Inmo looked up but didn't see whoever was speaking.

"Aren't you the little half-devil? Such a weak little devil." The voice mocked.

Inmo frowned, fists clenching. He pouted. "I'm not weak!" He exclaimed.

The voice laughed. "Of course you aren't. No...but you are an idiot. Do you even know the power you have as a half-devil? You haven't even unlocked 20% of your potential. It's pathetic."

Inmo's brows furrowed in confusion. He didn't know what the voice meant.

"Don't worry, you're not the only one. That devil inside of ice boy is weak too. He's spent much longer inside a human body then I and he hasn't even taken complete control once yet. Unlike I who have taken over twice now. Though I admit, sparky is powerful with Rajin and that lowly demon combined. Though, he won't be a problem." The voice laughed.

Inmo looked around, his head hurt from trying to think so hard. He didn't really know what this person was talking about. Something about him being weak and other people being weak too. That's about all he got from this conversation.

"I don't understand..." He mumbled.

"Oh...you don't have to." They said.

It went silent for a moment, then something or rather someone dropped from above. The impact caused lots of dust to fly around, prompting Inmo to cough.

"What tha..." He gasped before opening his eyes to see what had happened.

In front of him was Brandon, or rather Jupiter as evident from the dark spot that had consumed Brandon's skin and the horns sprouting from his head. It seems the transformation had yet to be completed.

Inmo's eyes instantly lit up. "Mr. Brandon!" He yelled, excited to see a familiar face. He stepped closer, unafraid of the being before him that he believed to be his guild master.

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