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Requested by: bronxdale39

Inmo's POV
I skipped through the long tunnel, eventually reaching the huge cave. I looked around, searching for my two friends. Suddenly I was pulled into a tight hug from behind. I yelped, before I heard a laugh. A sighed. "Mr. Brandon!! Don't scare me like that!!" I whined. He laughed again. "Sorry Inmo, I couldn't help myself." He apologized. I laughed, being released from his grip. "It's okay." I assured. He smiled. "My brother isn't here right now. But please, sit down and tell me about your adventures."

We sat down and I recounted the recent events of joining Divinus Magia and meeting all my new friends. He questioned about the twins. I realize they have the same names as Mr. Brandon and Sir. Ritchie. Maybe I should call them something different to avoid confusion. "Everyone's really nice there, I hope you get to meet them one day." I say. He laughs, placing a hand on my head. "I'm sure we'll meet them...soon enough."

We had chatted some more when at last Sir. Ritchie returned. I perked up when he came in. "Sir. Ritchie!" I exclaimed. He laughed as I came over and gave him a small hug. "Good to see you Inmo. How's everything been?" He asked. I then preceded to explain everything as I did with Mr. Brandon. "Is that so...then perhaps you should start calling us something a little different." He suggested. I nodded. about Mr. Ritchie and Sir. Brandon?" I suggested. The two laughed. "Yeah that will be just fine." He laughed. I smiled. "Yay!"

I come into my house, holding the crystal thingy that Mr. Ritchie and Sir. Brandon gave me. They said I could use it talk to them. All I have to do is send so magic power into it. Cool.

I sighed, coming back from a day of training. I'm tired. I decide to get the crystal out. I charge it with magic like they said to. It glows and a voice comes from it. "Inmo? How can I help you?"

Brandon's POV
I was walking past Inmo's house when I heard him shout, "Sir. Brandon!" I blinked, turning to the house. Why's he yelling my name? And with a 'Sir' instead of a 'Mr' as well. I hummed, peaking through his window. He was holding a Lacrima, a communication Lacrima to be precise. I hummed, listening in. "Sir. Brandon! I can't wait to show you my new spell!" He exclaimed. A laugh came from the Lacrima. "Oh is that so. I can't wait to see." The voice that came from it, that sounded almost exactly like mine, said. "Yay!! Hey, what about Mr. Ritchie? Is here there too?" He asked. The voice sighed. "No my brother isn't here right now." He said. Inmo frowned. "Awww. He's always gone." He said. "Uh...yeah, he's just really busy is all." The voice said, as if he was trying to cover something up. Inmo laughed. "Yeah...I guess it's always been like that." He said.

Inmo's POV
I blinked, Sir. Ritchie and Mr. Brandon were in front of me. I was just sitting in my house when they came in, not even knocking. "Hi!" I greeted. Mr. Brandon sighed. "Hello Inmo...we've come to talk about a recent conversation you had...with someone we believe may not be good." He said. I hummed. "What do you mean?" I questioned. Ritchie clears his throat. "Someone you referred to as Sir. Brandon, rather then Mr. Brandon." He clarified. I made an 'oh' face. "Oh yeah! Sir. Brandon is one of my best friends! Usually I call him Mr. Brandon but after meeting you two we decided on calling him Sir. Brandon and Sir. Ritchie, Mr. Ritchie." I said. Mr. Brandon arched his brow. "Oh, and when did you meet this two?" He asked. I hummed, thinking back. "Well, I met them just outside of a ruined village I think. They were super nice to me and we became friends right away!" I answered. The two exchanged a glance. "What exactly do they do?" Sir. Ritchie asks. "I don't know. I don't really go with them when they do their work. But they live in a cool cave in a mountain!" I responded. Mr. Brandon sighed. "You say you're best friends yet you don't even know what they do?" He questions. I nod. "Yep! I trust them so I don't see why I should get in their business." I said. Sir. Ritchie hums. "Alright then...would you mind...bringing us to see these friends of yours?" He asked. I shook my head. "Not at all! I'm sure they'd be happy to meet you!" I exclaim. I can't wait.

-To Be Continued-

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