Runaway Experiment Pt:2

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Inmo's POV
I sigh, this weird feeling won't go away this time. Ugh, I don't like it. My fists clenched. I sigh. I need to cool off.

I walked along the shore, staring off into the distance. Suddenly something small flew past me. I blinked, looking where think landed. I turned to see who there whatever it was. There were people, familiar people. People in white coats and wearing glasses. I stepped back. I didn't like them for some reason. My hand moved on its own, throwing an explosion in their direction. When the dust clear a few were knocked down but most were still standing. They threw something at me. I moved out of the way. A crack of electricity flew at them from behind me. I turned to see Sir. Ritchie running up. "Inmo, stay back!" He ordered. I blinked. "But, Sir. Ritchie. They attacked me first." I whined. He ran past me, throwing a ball of lightning at the group. He turned to me. "These are the guys after you." He said. I frowned. "So what?! I can fight too!" I protested. Suddenly I felt a strong breeze. I looked up to see Mr. Brandon descended. I noticed the water seemed to rise. I looked around, seeing Raindrop and David were here too. "Oi, I don't know who you lot are but you can't just come on our island and attack our guild!" David shouted. Mr. Brandon sent an tornado their way, blowing them off their feet. He looked back at me. "You can fight but stay close to us." He said. I smiled. "Yes Mr. Brandon." I chirped, giving him a salute.

I stepped back, coughing up blood. I fell onto my knees. I feel so weak. Mr. Brandon was by my side in an instant. "Inmo, whatever gadgets these guys are using, it seems to be especially made for you. Please, stay back for a bit." He urged. I nodded, simply because I don't think I can fight in this form anyways.

I was staying back, just like he told me too. My senses were all weird. It sounded as if everyone was far away. Suddenly, I felt something touch me. Whoever it was grabbed my arms, locking them in place. I struggled against this persons grip but them were strong. I tried to set off an explosion but nothing happened. I yelled out, not words, just sound. Just something to get someone's attention. Why can't I fight back? Why am I so weak now? Please, someone help me.

However was holding me was thrown off of me. I looked up to see David. I blinked. Suddenly someone appeared behind him, throwing him off to the side. I wanted to do something but he person pulled out some kind of crystal. It seemed familiar to me. He said something, I knew what he said but at the same time I didn't. My body moved on its own. I still feel incredibly weak, how am I moving?

David's POV
I had just managed to save Inmo from these guys when I was attacked from behind. I watched with blurry vision. The guy that attacked me pulled out something that glowed. Suddenly Inmo stood, but his legs were wobbly. He did seem rather out of it when I saved him. I forced myself to get up. I lunged at the man but I was thrown back my an explosion. An explosion that Inmo caused. I blinked, shaking my head to regain my senses. I looked to see Inmo, but he was different. It looked as if he didn't have a single emotion. The man laughed. "Oh, you idiots. I can't believe you would try to protect this thing. Can't you see. It's not human, it's just some demon we found, some demon we decided to test on. It doesn't have any emotions! It's nothing!" He yelled, sounding deranged. My fists clenched, the air around me became cold. I was about to punch him right between the eyes but I didn't get the chance as he was blown off his feet. I looked to see Brandon, several unconscious bodies around him. I saw that most of the idiots had been defeated. I was relieved. But my attention was quickly turned back to the man and Inmo when he started shouting. "Get them, kill them!!" He yelled, the thing which I now recognized as a Lacrima became brighter. I tensed, blocking Inmos attack. He didn't use his magic but rather he lunged at me with...claws? I didn't know he hand claws. He didn't show a single emotion. What that guy said may have been true but this is still Inmo. The annoying little idiot that I've started to warn up too. I froze Inmo in place, turning my gaze to the guy. He started shouting random nonsense at me but I blocked it out. I swiped the Lacrima from his hands and crushed it in my hands. I stared down at the man. "I won't kill you, but I'm warning you now. If you ever dare to return here again, I will kill you." I threatened. He inched back before disappearing, in fact, all of the idiots disappeared. I turned around to see Brandon holding an unconscious Inmo. "'s over now." I said.

Inmo's POV
I opened my eyes to see a figure. I immediately recognized it as Mr. Brandon. Normally I would have smiled but this time I frowned. He looked down at me. "You're awake." He started. I stared up at him. "Mr. Brandon. I...I heard what that guy said...he said I wasn't human, that I didn't have emotions and that I was nothing." I said, repeating the man's words that resounded in my head. His body tensed. "Yeah...I heard that too. Just so you know, human or not you're still our friend. No emotions? Ha, don't make me laugh. You're always happy and energetic and even now you're sad. And let me be clear. You're not nothing. You are something, you are Inmo of Divinus Magia. Nothing will change that." He said. I blinked, letting his words sink in. I couldn't help but smile. "Thank you, Mr. Brandon." Was all I could say. I...I love this guild. I'm so glad I came here.

-The End-

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