23: Misunderstanding

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"Hey..." Shuji greeted to the man leaning on the balcony as the man hums in response looking around the lights of the city.

"Hmm... Shouldn't you be resting?" Shuji continued lighting up a cigarette

"Yeah, just clearing up my thoughts..."

"Mhm~ y'know, I like this kind of work... It's interesting... But I don't like you turning Y/n as your puppet." He began indirectly telling him that he doesn't like how he's using his sister.

"I'm not.. besides, I let her pick. Either leave me alone or work with me and she chose to work with my plan"

"Ahuh~ I can't let her get hurt. She's my only family and if this is gonna get her in trouble then might as well count me out and you go find someone else to be your chess piece work for your 'plan'" he blew the cigarette smoke leaning on the wall glaring at the back of Kisaki's head

"Don't worry, I won't let her get hurt. After finding out what happened to her when I left... I'd never let that happen to my best friend again." He assured making Shuji a little calm that Kisaki still cares about Y/n's safety.

"Better not let her get hurt her or else." He spat before leaving the man alone to play with his thoughts

"Yo! Takemichi- I mean, Captain! What are we doing today?" You greeted running to Takemichi and the group keeping close to him as your two servants follow behind

"What's up with you Y/n? I remember you last night whining all over not wanting to be under Takemichi's division..." Smiley laughed

"And now you're all cheerful and more than ready to be his Vice captain?" Angry continued

"I was just tired last night..." You put your hand on your nape acting all shy when in reality, it's just for the plan

"Y-yeah.. uhm you can help me set up the decorations over there" he pointed at the art materials

Toman had planned to have a party for New Year's Eve and a Goodbye party for Baji since he wouldn't stop spitting about how they threw Pah and Peh a farewell party and he won't get one.

The First Division is in charge of the games and party organization with Kisaki leading them. Second Division is busy designing and making the christmas themed uniforms. Third Division is responsible for the decorations around the shrine. Fourth Division is cooking the foods of course with the twins Smiley and Angry taking leads. While the Fifth Division is busy building the mini tree houses and tables for tonight.

"Okay, you go up here" Takemichi fixed the ladder as you hold the thumbtacks and the decor to hand it up on the tree climbing

"BAJI-SAN WATCH OUT!!!" Chifuyu shouted to Baji who's running around when he accidentally bumped into the ladder making you fall out of balance when Takemichi catched you making you both fall on the concrete floor with you on top of him

"I'm sorry! I'm so so sorry!!" You quickly stood up offered your hand to help him up and dusted your clothes when you felt your ankle in pain

"Oww" you hissed trying to stand up properly for them not to see

"You okay?" Takemichi held your arm checking what's hurting

"HAHAHAH what was that?!"

"Takemichi's like a tomato"

"Shh his girlfriend is right there"

The members laughed as you glance over the side and saw Hina and her brother, Naoto walking to you two

"H-hina- I swear it was an accident!" You defended as she giggles and smiles sweetly

"It's okay! I bought refreshments!!!" She lifted a bag up with drinks for everyone

You had a quick break but when you tried to stand up, you felt the pain again. You silently dragged your feet behind the wall where the others are and dealt with the pain

Takemichi noticed you were in pain and followed you alone

"Hey, I'm sorry about earlier... I noticed you hurt your foot, need help?" He asked while kneeling down to check your foot

"Leave it to me" he started wrapping a cloth around it as you look down at him remembering how Kisaki used to do that when you get hurt as a clumsy kid

"Hina's really lucky with you" you unconsciously whispered that caught him off guard and blushed

"Ahh.. hehe.. I'm really lucky to have her too" he mumbled finishing the wrap

"I hope he would take care of me like that again..." You mumbled stopping your tears realizing he's never gonna do it again since all he cares about now is getting Hina

"What's wrong Y/n? Is it Kisaki?" You nod wiping your tears that have fallen already

"It's okay Y/n... I know he cares about you too" he didn't know what to do to comfort you so he gave you a hug instead letting you cry on his shoulder

"I- I just don't get it... What does she have that I don't-" you sobbed

"I'm pretty sure you have something that she doesn't have too... You don't have to compare yourself to other girls Y/n" he spoke softly patting your head even though he doesn't know who is 'she' that you're talking about

"I just can't find the strength to tell him about my feelings because all he cares about is her..."

"Shh, if this will make you feel any better.. guess what, I'll help you confess"

"Hina-chan! You're here too?" Emma greeted as she face the newly arrived girl and forced a smile out

"What's wrong?" The blonde asked confusedly but Hina shook her head and laughed

"Nothing, let's go eat" she pulled Emma's hand away to join the others

"New year's near! Let's all change for the good okay?" Draken reminded as the members agreed

"Our uniforms are done!/ The houses are done!" Mitsuya and Mucho announced in unison as some members went and crowded to the uniforms as you went and check your uniform as well

"Woahhh it got my name in it!" You looked at it with shining eyes as you went to show Hina and Emma their shirts

"Look! You got one too!" You cheerfully exclaimed while putting on yours

"Wah- these are so pretty Mitsuya, but it'll be better with Dorayaki prints" Mikey pouted as Mitsuya chuckled and pulled out a dorayaki sticker and sticked it on Mikey's uniform

"I knew you would look for that"

"I feel so tall up here!!!" Smiley screamed standing on the entrance of one of the tree houses

"How did you guys finish this many in two days!?" You excitingly ran to one of the trees and climb

"Y/n! Be careful! You might hurt your foot again!" Takemichi shouted from below panicking

"Got it Captain!" You answered back laughing but being careful and steady while coming up

Meanwhile, Hina who's silently watching you two is feeling something strange silently thinking to herself:

'Is that why he agreed with dad to break up with me?' 

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