04: Pawn

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"I'm really really sorry! Please spare us-- Oh Y/n!" Yūo and Xayxio exclaimed after kneeling down right after you entered the door apologizing for whoever knows the reason.

"Y/n, you're back! Oh my God I thought that was Sir Shuji-" Yūo sighed in relief looking stressed with Xayxio.

Your eyes wandered around the house trying your best to avoid their gazes to not get any attention to what you look like.

You immediately felt like somone's staring at you so you glanced at them quickly one by one

"What?" You asked when you saw Zeniko sitting down wearing his old uniform just staring at you blankly

"Don't mind him, he didn't get his food." Yūo explained

"Sir Shuji's gonna kill us if he found out we let you out-"

"Wait did you cry? Your eyes looks puffy" Yūo cut Xaxyxio off when he noticed your red eyes

Ofcourse, who wouldn't after seeing your long lost bestfriend, who wouldn't cry if their first love suddenly came back just to shoo them off.

"No, I'm just- tired" you tried acting fine but your hiccups blew your cover.

"How did it went? What did your date do? Did he say anything rude? Who is he? What did he do? Did he hurt you? Huh?" Yūo asked nonstop following you while you walk to your room

"N-no.. I'm fine- leave me alone f-for a while" you smiled before closing the door behind you

"Hey Yūo, leave her alone for life's sake." Zeniko mumbled dragging his brother away to the living room


"Bro- Z, you know her brother's gonna beat us up if we let her go out-"

"Shut up and stay, we are in Life Division, not Death. We obey Y/n, not Shuji." Zeniko coldly spoke while putting on his uniform and walking out of the door

"Where are you going?" Yūo asked

"To buy foods, say here and wait for Y/n." He then left the two scaredly waiting probably gonna shit their pants if Shuji came home earlier than you.

He was secretly following you, he sat on the nearby cafe just to see you walking to where he is and sitting down on a table right infront of his so he hid his face behind the menu

'She arrived earlier than her date? That's awkward. A guy should never be late' he thought to himself

He's glancing at you from time to time while hiding from you until he heard you stand up and walk to the bridge in the opposite side of the road as he watch you meet approach the guy

He watched you from afar seeing your date look at you coldly as you try to talk to him.

'It doesn't look like a date..'

'What is this jerk saying...' he stood up to try and find a good hiding spot near you to listen when he saw Y/n walk away sobbing.

'She's crying?'

He quickly went home and waited for you to come back like nothing happened

"Boss Shuji! I'm so so sorry please-" Yūo kneeled down with Xayxio right after the door opened just to see Zeniko gazing down at his two brothers emotionless

"What are you two doing?"

"U-uhmm.. practicing..." They stood up and elbowed each other blaming the other for the embarrassing scene

Zeniko just looked at them before walking away to the living room

"Where's the food?" The younger Wang asked

"They're closed." He bluntly answered plopping down the sofa.

"So early?/ This early?" They whispered to each other not letting the eldest Wang hear them

"Whatever, Y/n is still not home. We're not safe yet... What are we gonna do!?"

The door opened

~A day before~

"Dude, have you heard of Life division in Flower Skull? Pfft- What a weird name"

"They have the Wang brothers right? I heard they lead a famous gang in China, what are they doing in such a lame gang?"

"I know right? Life is led by a girl as well, I can't imagine being in a division that's under a girl"

"Oh~ have you heard the Death division though? I heard they only have one member" The three looked at Shuji shocked to see the Skull Mark on his uniform. Shuji didn't let the guy talk again as he beat them all continuosly since Y/n was not there to tell him to stop, and he's enjoying every single second of it.

He's resting down with his cigarette after he had enough fun while watching the guys he just beat down to death when two guys appeared infront of him.

"Hmm, you're quite impressive, I can use you in fights.." the guy with glasses and and blonde hair stated while his dark blue eyes are looking at the three guys on the floor

"Shuji from Flower Skull, Death division right? Come follow me, become one of my chess pieces"

"What's in it for me~?"

"You can fight everyone but we'll make sure your gang won't get involved."

"I don't know how you operate but it sounds interesting, so I'm in.. boss... whoever you are~"

"Tetta Kisaki, Just Kisaki."

"I'll be under you then, Kisaki"



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I don't even know why I named it Flower Skull. I just looked up something that symbolizes life and death then I saw the skull and that flower of life pattern so I merged them together and there ya go beybe~.

Anyways, time check, it's 1:28 am and I'm beaten tired. I might edit this tomorrow if I think I messed something up 😵

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