28: Current State

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WARNING: ! Abusive Content: rape-curses-abuse !

Time skip: half a year

"Oii bitch. Get up" Ran gave a kick on your back to wake you up from sleeping on the cold floor

You tiredly got up and fixed your tangled chains that are tied up on your ankles and neck.

'So it's true... The one closest to you is most likely to betray you huh...'

"What are you spacing out for. Clean our room."

"You killed those guys. Why do I have to clean after your mess? What are you, a pig?" You asked staring at him with no hint of fear showing, you just want him to end it all

"What did you say? I didn't catch that." He arrogantly leaned close to you mocking you

"Clean. It. Yourself. You dirty little fucking pig!" You spat on his face as he move away inches from you

You heard him chuckle as he turn to you with a sadistic smile. A smile that could kill you in an instant

"Oh what.. did that offend you?" You returned that sadistic smile he gave you earlier


"AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!" You screamed when you felt the shock from your collar

You fell down on your stomach trying to deal with the pain

The collar you have on is an electric one to prevent you from trying to escape or disrespect anyone of them especially Ran who has huge hatred towards you.

The sound of your cries and the chains hitting against the cold concrete was music to Ran's ears

He pulled you up by the hair and whispered in your ear

"Are you this brave because you think your gang will come get you back? Too bad because FlowerSkull has turned their back against you. Your brother now could be dead already from all the members targeting him down" he laughed and looked at you in a worried look

"But ofcourse, I told them not to.. because I don't want my dear Y/n's one and only hope to disappear."

"Just finish this. Kill me" you dared him knowing he wouldn't hesitate to. You prefer dying than spending your life working for him

"I'd rather die than work with these chains" you spoke and held on his shoulder and jumped up to kick his back making him fall on the floor

"AAAAAHHHHHHHH- fck!!" Again, your scream filled the room when the collar activated again as you fall on the ground extremely tired from all this torture. Mentally and Physically

You may look strong mentally but you've been absorbing everything that he's saying. Knowing how big your gang is, you can't help but worry about those people you left behind. Especially your brother.

"Hahaha, oh my poor Y/n.... You look so good when you're tired" He smiled and crawled to you, now sitting on top of you

"You could've chose me instead Y/n..." He leaned close to your ear "But you didn't."

You stayed silent clearly hearing his deep breaths

"Now, time for punishment~" he smirked and started to kiss your neck

"R-ran! You fucker! S-stop-" you screamed making him cover your mouth while holding your arms on top of your head

You tried kicking him off but the chains are stopping you from doing so. You cried still trying to resist and hoping for someone to not save you but atleast stop this man

"Brother. Mr. Wang's looking for you." A man from the door appeared looking at the scene coldly with his bored eyes

Ran looked at Rindou with a 'wtf' look as the younger Haitani just shrugged

"We'll play again later darling~" he waved walking away leaving you and Rindou alone

You cried curling up on the floor as you constantly tries to wipe off the part where he kissed you

"C'mon. Let's clean you up" Rindou sat beside you holding your bruised wrist gently as he observe your body's state. He let out a sigh

"You talked back again didn't you." He asked while treating the scratches on your ankle caused by the chains

"Just p-please end me... I can't take t-this anymore..." You spoke weakly between your sobs

"I can't do anything Y/n. I'm not gonna let you go nor do as you wish but I'm not gonna hurt you either. I'm just doing what I need to do to keep you atleast decent enough to face the Wangs and brother." He calmly spoke while helping you get up to go to the bath

"Call me when you're done" he closed the door and went to clean up on the mess his brother made in your place

He placed warm blankets and pillows around to keep you from catching a cold. He also brought supplies of water, medicines and bandages for your cuts.

"Rindou." You called out after putting on your clothes

He then unlocked the door and opened it

"They're waiting for you upstairs.. just please don't say anything you'll regret. The store is getting weirded out with me buying bags of medicine every week." He reminded guiding you upstairs to where you'll be serving the Wangs

"What took you so long? Hurry and clean up." Zeniko ordered pointing at the bodies of the men that he and Ran killed

"K." You simply answered taking the garbage bags when you felt a shock on your neck

"Woops. I clicked on accident" the old man sitting on his good old wheel chair chuckled while holding a remote connected to your collar

"Fcker.." you cursed under your breath and continued to clean up the bodies

"What was that?" Another shock came making you curse louder

"N-nothing.. I didn't say anything..." You kneeled holding on your collar to keep it away from your neck as possible but it's locked so you're hopeless

"Stop that old man. This is not a toy." Yūo appeared behind his father grabbing the remote from his hand

"Are you okay Y/n?" Winter went beside you worriedly

"Hmm, fancy seeing you two here." Zeniko pointed at the two since they barely stay in the building and just come in to check up on you

"Where were you?" Xayxio asked

"None of your business."

Atleast you have those two loyal ones who's treating you human

"Fix your mouth if you don't wanna end up like those guys getting cleaned up." Zeniko threatened

The tv was on when the news came in

"NEWS FLASH: A rare footage of the huge organization known in Japan as BONTEN was taken. The executive members of Bonten was seen in China's airport recently. The police were called immediately upon their arrival. However, they were nowhere to be found when the authorities arrived. Their motive on flying to the country is still unknown but the police and government are getting ready for a sudden attack"


Two more chapters guys!!!!

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