Characters Summary/ Clarification (So far)

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-god of Life
-Tattoo: Interest, Chance (When she's interested to the person Shuji's beating up, she would stop him and give those people a chance by letting them work under her and Life's division)
-Ordered the Haitani brothers to blow up the plane her father's in
-Likes Kisaki
-Been Using the Life's captains to do whatever she wants for fun; didn't care if they got in trouble
-Gets information about people easily
-friendly; friends with some members of different gangs (Kiyomasa, Osanai etc.)

-god of Death
-Tattoo: Sin, Punishment (Beats up people just for entertainment)
-Trained Y/n to learn how to fight
-Y/n's long lost brother (Met Y/n by working with an organization and found out that their parents sold her to the organization as well)
-Doesn't meddle with Y/n's plans but supports her and protects her in anyway he can

-Y/n's bestfriend
-Inlove with Hina
-Shuji and Y/n's boss
-helped the Haitani's break out of jail
-Uses anyone he can to get his goal
-Numb af

-Ran and Rindou
-Former Captains of Life Division
-they are mad at Y/n for letting them get in jail when they were caught with blowing up Y/n's father's plane
-works for the Wang Organization after getting out of jail
-respects Kisaki
-works for the Wangs even though Ran doesn't like Winter and Yūo for protecting Y/n

WANG Siblings: OCs

WINTER WANG (Girl; Youngest Wang; escaped the Wang Organization just to get captured by Kisaki's previous gang; Not part of the XYZ Trio; She trust Y/n because she got saved by her)

XAYXIO WANG (Boy; Second Wang; trio's Fighter; he's the strongest among them; idolizes Zeniko so he's believing and going wherever he goes)

YŪO WANG (Boy; Third Wang; Trio's Balance; his decisions keeps the trio in balance; trusts Y/n because he likes her)

ZENIKO WANG (Boy; Eldest Wang; Trio's Mediator; turns things into an agreement that would go in their favor; has no favoritism; very loyal to his family but honest af)

XYZ Trio (Xayxio, Yūo and Zeniko; groups's intention was to come to Japan and find Winter but met Y/n and Shuji on the way and turned their fight into an agreement of them working for Y/n in exchange of her helping them find Winter)

MR. WANG (Owner of Wang Oranization; The Haitanis' boss; Father of WXYZ siblings; Y/n's father's business partner)


Y/n's father: (Sold Y/n to some person without knowing his son, Shuji was working under that man; he sold Shuji to work for the same man before Y/n; Business partners with Mr. Wang; he blew up the plane Kisaki and his family was in but Kisaki survived; died in an airplane explosion)

FlowerSkull: (Flower-Life, Skull-Death; Life and Death)
-Y/n and Shuji's gang
-the gang was made for fun
-divided in two divisions: Life division and Death division
-Life Division's Leader and Captain (Leader: Y/n) (Former Captains: Ran and Rindou) (New Former Captains: Xayxio, Yūo and Zeniko)
-Death Division's Leader and Captain (Leader: Shuji) (Captains: None) {Why? He doesn't trust anybody and anyone who goes past him works under Life's division}


For any questions and clarifications regarding the story... Just leave a comment and I'll put the questions from the comments here and answer them.

Note: The story is not finished yet, so some questions might be answered in the next chapters so I might avoid some questions to prevent putting up spoilers. 

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