Chapter 52: New Home

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That night
Izuku's PoV

Everyone besides Mr. Uraraka and I where relaxing on the couch in the front room, while We where discussing the dorming situation, seeing as he shared some fatherly concerns not only for Ochako but also for me as well as his grandkids.
"So its roughly the size of a large apartment"
"Yes, they where designed for each parent to have their own roon and a room for the kid/kids, however since Ochako and I have 4 and we are together we planned on sharing a room and giving the three girls the bigger of the two other rooms"
"You think ahead alot dont you"
"Quite often yes, Im a bit of an over thinker, my strategies always have backups, as well as backups for those"
"Will you two be sharing a bed?"
"More than likely, we slept close to eachother when either of us had a nightmare, and even though we dont have them, Much anymore, its sorta become a habit, plus Eri likes sleeping with both of us as well, so theres that" I finish with a slight chuckle
"Understood, I am very glad she has someone like you to trust enough with something like that, and that your willing to help"
"Nightmares suck, Ive had them nearly everyday since I was 5, they suck, and I cant just let someone else go through that"
"If you dont mind me asking, what was the cause of yours"
"They started the night of my parents deaths, a little over 14 years ago" I said through slightly blurry eyes due to tears.
I shut my eyes to calm myself down. I felt myself be pulled into a hug.
"Im so sorry for what you had to go through at such a young age"
"It pales in comparison to what Eri had to endure" I respond
"Doesnt mater, what happened to the both of you shouldnt have"
I gave a sad chuckle
"Thanks, I needed that"
"Of course, now then why dont we head over and inform them of what you had decided"
I wipe up my tears and put on a smile

Mr. Uraraka's PoV

His demeanor changed instantly, but I know its fake, he's still hurting, but it will succeed where it needs to, hiding that sadness and sorrow from the children.

Time Skip
Izuku's PoV

We were walking towards the dorm building when we saw everyone. And I mean EVERYONE from both classes standing outside. I get a flashback to the first time we all got our dorms.
Mr. Aizawa and Vlad King where standing on the steps making an announcement.
"I know you dont really want to be standing out here all day so my only announcement is that Class B your getting a new student who replaces Monoma, his name is Natsu Dragneel.
He's actually the cousin of Class A's Sakura Marvel."
After Mr. Aizwa's announcement we where all left to our own devices and introduced ourselves to Natsu.
Who is ANOTHER DRAGON SLAYER. Oh god. Lord have mercy. But in all honesty he seems like a pretty cool guy, already better than Monoma.

Time Skip
Izuku's PoV

We had just moved all our stuff back in and thank god Mina didnt suggest another god damn room contest. I hated the first one so Im overjoyed we dont have to do another one.
The additions to each room include the three rooms, one on all three walls besides the entrance. A kitchenette where Eri's bed used to be. The main room was now a living/dining room, the master bedroom was on the wall opposite of the main entrance. The larger of the two spare rooms to the left of the main entrance, and the smaller one opposite of that room.

"Papa, Mama, can we see your rooms please" Asked the cutest bean across the Megaverse, Eri.
"Of course, lets go"
The 6 of us walk into Ochako and mines room to find it decorated very simular to our old one, but this time there's only 1 king sized bed covered in dark grey sheets and a large and semi thick blue blanket, or comforter if you want to sound ultra specific. It was per our request to Principle Nezu, that we got the king bed. As well as one singular large Desk that had all our old decorations on it as well as two chairs.
"Woah it looks so cool"
"This looks a bit like your old room Papa, Mama" Eri stated mater of factly.
"Wait really" said the other three kids
I had actually forgotten that none of the kids had actually seen any of their parents' old rooms as we had found all our stuff was packed by Midnight and Present Mic before we had gotten back to the dorms, to pack.
"Well yeah its not like we needed all new things, besides the furniture, cooking utensils, ketchen apliances etcetera. That were provided"
"Alright everyone why dont we all sit down and relax Im sure we all are tired from the move" Stated Ochako
"That sounds like a great idea, its about 4 pm now, so why dont we sit down and watch a movie till dinner"

And So thats what we did, we watched a movie till dinner, and afterwards we pretty much hit the sack, as did basically everyone else.

Time Skip
The Next Morning
Izuku's PoV

I had woken up early and decided to do some morning training. Something I dont typically do but I was bored.
I walk over to the gym only to hear someones training inside.
I open the doors to see Natsu inside.
"Your here early huh" I say making him aware of my presence
"Oh, yeah gotta stay sharp, anyways want to spar together its always better to train with another person"

We spared together for about an hour and thats where I made some noticible discoveries about him as a person and his quirk.
He reminds me alot of Sakura, which makes sense seeing as they are related.
But the biggest thing is his quirk.
He seems to only have a singular base element to his dragon slayer quirk
However powerwise he seems to be on par with Sakura. Most likely due to the power divide or element focus on training. Him only having to focus on one while she has to focus on three. Kinda like me and Yuski.

After the trainning we both headed back to the dorms to see most people awake. So we decided to take a quick shower and join in whatever the hell type of chaos the others where getting into

Chapter End
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