The bloodcurdling Titan War, which had its roots in human greed and corruption, began with a massive explosion in the otherwise quaint city of Shiganshina, claiming the lives of many citizens and military personnel alike. The Armed Forces of Paradis, comprising of the three military factions, fought a long and grim war against enemies never seen before, as the death toll continued to rise to unprecedented figures.
Serving on the frontline had been the Survey Corps or the Scout Regiment, led by Commander Hange Zoë and Lance Corporal Levi Ackerman. Among the many squads in the regiment, the Levi Squad or the Special Operations Squad — comprising of ten hand-picked recruits from the 104th Training Corps — had spearheaded their victory against their enemies in the final battle in the city of Liberio, earning them the title of the "Elite Squad". The other two divisions: Garrison and the Military Police Brigade had been mainly involved in evacuation and rescue operations.
After the devastating war reached it's less than thrilling conclusion in the Marleyan city, soldiers and cadets returned home to their families after months — or years — of separation. Some went back to their villages and cities, some went back to their countries. In an unforeseen disaster, member of the elite Levi Squad and right hand to the eponymous Corporal, cadet (Y/N) (L/N) returns "home" to Japan after 12 long years with every intention of laying low and enjoying some peace in her life for once — only for the plan to go out of the window as she bumps into a class of up-and-coming aspirational heroes and some well-known Japanese Pro Heroes, who taken an unfortunate interest in her following an unexpected team-up in a shopping mall.
Oh well, just another day for the Survey Corps!
whoop whoop, brought this here from quotev.
Colliding Worlds ❪BNHA X AOT❫
Fanfiction❝The world is merciless, and it's also very beautiful.❞ For years she'd suffered, under the bitter rain as it washed away the blood, under the scorching sun as it charred her wounds - for nature had fallen prey to the destructive march of the Allie...