ACT II. the beginning of the end

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❝ We meet again, at the crossroad of choices, at the threshold of destiny

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We meet again, at the crossroad of choices, at the threshold of destiny.


Aizawa Shouta had just reached his home when his phone buzzed.

He sighed, not in the mood to deal with his excessively loud friend, but reached for his phone in his pocket nonetheless.

One (1) new message from Vlad.

He blinked in surprise. Vlad was not the type to send messages; he preferred talking on calls. Messages, as he often liked to complain, are uncertain means of communication. You could be in a life-and-death situation, but the other person could simply ignore your message because why not?

Aizawa huffed in amusement as he recalled the grey-haired man's furious tirade and clicked on the notification. Wonder what made him change his mind about messaging.

The chat loaded on the screen, and his breath died in his throat.

It was a picture of Vlad, unconscious, lying in a pool of blood with his head bandaged with a piece of black cloth. Attached to the photo was a location.

He ran.


The hooded figure watched in silence as they loaded the injured man into the ambulance. The sirens made her head hurt and the flashing red lights of the police cars added to the ominous mood of the scene.

Her gaze shifted to the scruffy-looking man who had been the first to arrive on the scene. He had quickly tied up the electrocuted perpetrator of the crime, a man with a Sense Numbing Quirk as she had identified, who had hit the bulky, grey-haired man with a steel rod. Her lightning had surrounded the injured person before the villain could inflict any further damage, and it had only been a matter of few seconds before the dark tendrils of lightning, tinged with a purplish hue, extended to him as well.

Her lightning was more potent, more vicious than regular lightning. And the charred concrete of the pavement stands testimony to her claims.

The scruffy-looking man, named 'Aizawa' as the recently contacted list on the victim's phone suggested, had found the two laying side by side underneath a streetlamp on the cold, hard pavement. Gaining access to the victim's phone had been easy — all she needed was one drop of blood.

The cool night breeze caressed her bare arms, her black hoodie lying in pieces at her feet. She recognized the black-haired man as the one who had reprimanded her days before for loitering around.

This was their third meeting.

She noticed the puzzled look on his face as he stared at the victim's phone in his hand, which had been lying a few feet away from the unconscious bodies when he had first arrived, and then looked up and down the street.

Although she was well-hidden out of view, she knew it was time to go. Her face was uncovered and she could not risk being caught. Commander Shadis would break her legs if he found out she had started taking unnecessary risks.

Although dead people can't really break legs, she would rather not take any chances with the former hot-headed Commander.

And so she raised her right hand and lightning crackled around her form.

Who had sent the message? Who had bandaged Vlad's head? Who had caught the criminal?

Questions swirled around his head as Aizawa desperately looked around for any sort of clue. The charred pavement and the foam at the perpetrator's mouth provided no definite clues but they did force a few police officers to reconsider their jobs.

"Where?" He murmured. "Where would I hide to escape the eyes of the law? But most importantly, who—"

He paused, a cold chill running down his spine. The chatter of the officers behind him stopped as the air around them stilled. The moon hid behind the clouds.

And then the streetlights exploded.

In the chaos that followed Aizawa never really managed to confirm what he saw in that instant, when surrounded by shards of broken glass he caught the slightest of movement from the corner of his eyes.

Was it his imagination, or did he really see an elbow disappear in a static of lightning?


small update, i know. but the next interlude is almost 10+ chapters away which i legit just finished drafting lmao. these small preludes are annoying but they do help me set the pace for the story so please just forgive this last time 🙏

also, there were a lot of spoilers for the main plot. any guesses? 🐒

also 2.0 can anybody try and guess what exactly is the reader's quirk. like i know it's lightning-related (because i mentioned that in every chap lmao) but like it's specific application and all that?

your comments really make my day and it's a joy for any writer to interact with their readers. so literally just comment anything, even a "HSHSIWUWJKWK" would do. i promise to reply with a "HJHJQLWVWUWJ" in return.

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