My Heart is Wavering

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"Kise-kun?" Kuroko said inquiringly "Shall we get going?"

"Mmm" Kise said, his usual smile on his face.

They walked to the store with Kise talking about all manner of things, stories about his modeling gigs, his craziest fan experiences and the most intense games he has played in.

Kuroko listened in, dropping small comments here and there. They got to the store, picked the specific brand of chocolate that had Miyumiyu's face on it and Kuroko decided to buy more snacks to avoid Murasakibara's complaints. Also, bread. He added a lot of bread.

As he picked up a snack, he turned to see Kise staring at him so closely.


"Why not me, Kuroko-cchi?" 

Kuroko looked at Kise's sad smile and his heart broke just a little. "Sorry" was all he could say.

"I thought.." Kise continued but not quite finishing.

"I know"

" You came all the way to see me.."

"I know. And because of you I lost my dog"

"Number 2? How?"

"I couldnt leave the dog at home while I was away so I left him with Murasakibara-kun. He has refused to let me take my dog back. It's been months"

Kise laughed and said "sounds like Murasakibara-cchi"

Kise's laughter died down when he remembered what they were talking about earlier. He sighed sadly as he helped Kuroko place more snacks in the basket and carried it towards the cashier.

"It's always been him, hasn't it?"

Kuroko just nodded his head. Not really trusting himself to speak.


"Yes Kurokochi"

"Why Momoi-san?"

Kise smiled again as he quickly brought out his credit card before Kuroko could.

"When you left my place without saying goodbye, I was really sad. I didnt know who to call so I called Momocchi and she came all the way to raise my spirit'

"Do you like her?" Kuroko asked

Kise knew the answer to that and he knew Kuroko was also aware so he was a bit confused by his line of questioning.

He took the bag from the Cashier and as he walked out of the store, he stared at Kuroko's serious face and asked him "Why do you ask Kurokocchi"

"My heart is wavering" Kuroko said

Kise was even more confused but he decided that Kuroko would explain.

"I like Momoi-san"

"What?" Kise shouted and nearly dropped the bag of snacks.

Unlike Kise, Kuroko didnt stop and kept walking. Kise ran to catch up with him and said 'Wait Kurokocchi. Momoi has always liked you. If you liked her, why didnt you do anything back in Middle school and high school?"

"Momoi-san likes me" Kuroko repeated.

Kise just stared at him. What on earth was going on?

Kuroko continued "But what high school did she go to?"

Kise saw where this conversation was going and quickly came to Momoi's defense "She was worried about Aominecchi. You know how he gets"

"Momoi liked me" Kuroko said again "but when it came down to it, she chose Aomine-kun"

Kuroko stopped abruptly in the middle of the road, and Kise not paying much atention nearly ran into him. Kuroko turned to face Kise and said

"I like Momoi-san"

Kise just stared at him. Had he gone mad?

"But I like you even better Kise-kun"

Now Kise was more confused than ever but Kuroko continued

"So I will say this. Moimoi is a kind dedicated person. And I see that she likes you. Just like she said she likes me. But the truth is, when it comes down to it, Momoi-san will always choose Aomine no matter what"

Kise made to start another round of defending Satsuki but Kuroko talked over him

"She went to High school with Aomine. They went to college together and now they live together. None of the schools she went to are schools she really wanted to go. Momoi-san's needs will always be second to what Aomine wants. She will always do anything to please him. Always".

Kuroko took a deep breath while Kise stood rooted to the spot.

"Kise-kun, you are kind, friendly, handsome and you always help your friends. You deserve someone who will always put you first".

Having said his piece, Kuroko turned around and kept walking. It took Kise a few seconds to get moving and he kept quiet till they got to the front of Aomine's apartment.

"Kurokocchi. If you know all that, why do you let Aominecchi stay with her?"

"Momoi-san is important to Aomine. I dont think he'd forgive me if i destroyed their relationship"

Kise smiled and looked towards the sky. When he looked back at Kuroko's face, there were tears in his eyes.

"Kurokocchi.." Kise said as they climbed the stairs "Thank you for telling me but I think for now, I will follow my heart"

Kuroko, standing two steps higher reached for Kise's tear-stained face and gently wiped his tears.

"I believe in you, Kise-kun"

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