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Kuroko watched as Aomine donned his last clothing item - his jacket. He moved around the dirty magazines on his bedside table like he was looking for something until he found his wallet, shoved it in his pocket and looked up at Kuroko.

"I'm rea-"

Aomine seemed like he was listening intently to something, then asked

"Is Satsuki back?"

Kuroko shrugged.

Aomine walked out of his room, Kuroko a few feet behind him and unceremoniously opened Satuski's door.

"Oi Satsuki" he started, then paused.

Aomine stared transfixed at whatever was in Satsuki's room, a leer on his face. Kuroko, his curiosity getting the better of him walked forward to stare into the room.

Satsuki's room looked the same way it had when he had accidentally walked into the room, pink panties and lots of papers lying around. Except for the fact that Satsuki was on all fours, on her bed, wearing nothing but socks and bunny ears, her full breasts hanging. And right behind her, on his knees, his penis deep inside, and his muscled ass hanging out, was Kise.

Kise looked embarrassed, his cheeks visibly bright red while Satsuki's mouth had formed a tiny 'o'.

Kuroko placed his hand on Aomine's collar, used the other hand to shut the door and then dragged Aomine away. They got to the living room before Aomine stopped protesting. He stared for a moment and said

"I forgot something"

Before Kuroko could stop him, he walked back to Satsuki's room, and opened the door. Their previous interruption didn't seem to have stopped their flow. They had changed positions. This time, Satsuki was on her back, and her hands were on her boobs. She didn't care that they had opened the door, she continued to squeeze her nipples and moan.

Kise, however, wasn't enjoying the company so much. He pulled out immediately the door opened and there was a 'plop' sound. Kise stood facing them, his penis erect and glistening. He noticed Aomine's raised eyebrow and covered his manhood with both palms, his cheeks crimson.

"Aomine-kun" Kuroko said in a warning tone.

"We're watching the game together later today. You're invited" Aomine said as he closed the door and walked away, a triumphant look on his face.


The rest of their walk to the supermarket was uneventful. They stopped by the cafe to get milkshakes and burgers. Despite the fact that Aomine got two for himself, he still ate half of Kuroko's burger. He tried to take some of his milkshake but Kuroko immediately stretched his hand out of reach.

"But I'm thirsty" Aomine whined.

Kuroko ignored him.

They got to the store and Kuroko pushed the cart while picking items off racks and Aomine walked behind him like he was simply taking a walk in the park on a sunny day and not grocery shopping. Kuroko only saw him pick up one item - a towel.

They rounded a corner and Kuroko felt his feet lifted off the ground, caught a glimpse of purple hair before he was nearly smothered in a hug.


"Put me down"

"Ehhh don't get so upset" Murasakibara said as he put Kuroko back on the floor.

Kuroko adjusted his clothes and noticed Aomine was trying very hard not to laugh - and was clearly failing.

Murasakibara finally noticed the dark blue haired man and said

"Minechin? Are you and Kuroko dressed to match?"

The smile immediately wiped from Aomine's face. Kuroko sized Aomine up then looked at himself. Their clothes indeed matched - except for the fact that Aomine wasn't wearing a tie.

"Are you watching the game tonight?" Aomine asked.

"Hm. The one with the funny eyebrows is playing right?

"Hanamiya, yes. We'll be watching the game together. You can come... If you want"

"Hmm..." Murasakibara said as his eyes settled on the snacks in Kuroko's cart. He walked away without saying anything else.

Kuroko watched him take snacks from several racks until both his hands were full. He picked the last two sticks of candy with his teeth and walked away with all the dignity of a giraffe.

Kuroko sighed and turned back to his shopping only to note Aomine was not by his side anymore.


He went from one aisle to the next and eventually found him in the fruit section. Aomine had placed two large watermelons into his tshirt as makeshift boobs. He was perking both (watermelon) breasts and making funny expressions in the fridge glass.

He turned to the side to make more poses and noticed Kuroko.

"Look Tetsu" Aomine said gesticulating at his new breasts "boobs"

Kuroko picked up a can of beans from the cart and threw it at Aomine with all the strength he could muster.

Aomine caught it. Unsurprisingly.

He took out the watermelons and was putting them back in their place then noticed Kuroko's expression.

"Okay, okay" Kuroko saw him mutter "we'll take these too"

He dropped both watermelons in the cart and walked forward with immense dignity like he hadn't just literally taken watermelons out of his tshirt.

They got to the cashier point and Aomine picked up a very large stack of dirty magazines and just dumped them in the cart.

"Aomine-kun. Isn't this a little excessive?"

"Ehh? I got one for you"

Kuroko looked at the cart, there were about 20 magazines in the cart. He was thinking of a comeback when he heard the cashier say "next".

Time to pay and he and Aomine brought out money at the same time. They stared at each other.

"Put away your money, Tetsu"

"You put away your money" Kuroko retorted.

"You don't have a job"

Kuroko frowned slightly "I work at an animal shelter"

"You volunteer at an animal shelter"

They stared at each other for a couple seconds more while the cashier looked uncomfortable.

Kuroko saw a very large breasted young woman from the corner of his eye and had an idea.


Aomine raised his eyebrows.

"Boobs" Kuroko said.

"Where?" Aomine asked and immediately started looking around.

"Over there" Kuroko said, and pointed towards the direction he saw the young girl walk.

Aomine disappeared and by the time he returned, Kuroko had paid for the groceries and was standing outside waiting, with a lot of paper bags.

"Well?" Kuroko asked when Aomine joined him.

"I know her" Aomine said as he gathered all the bags into this arms.

They had taken a couple of steps before Aomine heard Kuroko say

"Of course you do".


Hey guys! Thanks a lot for reading. This chapter was quite long. The next will be shorter, promise.


Also, I changed the cover for this book. Thoughts?

Kuroko  x Aomine: "Stay"Where stories live. Discover now