Don't fight

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Kuroko and Kise walked back into Aomine's apartment and said "we're back" but no one paid attention to them.

Aomine and Bokuto were on the floor, empty bottles arranged in front of them as they took shot after shot while Satsuki hovered around them. Murasakibara was also at the table but he seemed to be in his own world as he guarded several plates of food and occasionally glared at Bokuto who tried to sneak past his defense and steal a few pieces of meat.

Kagami and Midorima seemed to be the only ones actually watching the game and it was nearly over. Kagami excitedly jumped when one team scored and his triumphant fist knocked off Midorima's glasses. Midorima immediately tried to get back at him but Kuroko slid between them and said

"Here's your lucky item, Midorima-kun"

Midorima accepted it and turned to Murasakibara and said threateningly "You need to stop eating everything within sight. Especially when its not yours."

"Are you still upset?" Murasakibara said with his mouth full "I said sorry".

Satsuki noticed Kise's mood and walked towards him "Ki-kun. Are you okay?"

"Yes" Kise answered as he leaned into Satsuki's palm on his face.

Kuroko watched them through his side eye and went to sit at the centre of the table, between Aomine and Murasakibara. Aomine planted a kiss in the middle of his head, ruffled his hair a bit and continued his animated discussion with Bokuto, who was seated opposite Kuroko.

Kuroko handed the bag of snacks to Murasakibara.

As he watched Murasakibara stuff meat and chocolate in his mouth, he decided to ask the question on his mind.


"Hm Kurochin"

"Kise said Akashi called me and I didn't pick but my phone didn't ring. Do you know anything about that?"

Satsuki who was still hovering around and petting Kise chipped in "Hold on Kuroko. Why would Muk-kun know anything about that?"

Kuroko chose not to respond and kept staring at Murasakibara who finally chose to answer.

"Huh. You were always complaining about how Aka-chin was trying to control your life. So I took your phone and blocked him"

"Murasakibara-kun, we've talked about boundaries. You shouldn't go through my phone" Kuroko said angrily.

The purple-haired giant looked at Kuroko from under his lashes, popped a sweet into his mouth and ruffled Kuroko's hair "Are you upset? Sorry. I'll bake you a cake"

Kuroko slapped his hand away. "I've told you to stop that."  

"And what's the point of baking me something if you eat it before I get there?" Kuroko muttered under his breath.

"Eh? But Aomine did the same thing and you said nothing"

Kuroko just glowered at him while Satsuki watched their cat and dog fight.

It was about an hour later when Murasakibara finished his food and said he wanted to leave. By then, Kise and Satsuki had gone to the room and Kuroko heard the lock click.

Kuroko turned his attention to Murasakibara and said "Pay attention to the road. Don't get lost"


"If a child tries to take your snack on the train, don't fight"

"Huh?" Murasakibara said menacingly "I'll crush them"

"I'll buy you twice what they take"

Murasakibara paused. "And ice cream?"

"And ice cream"

Murasakibara nodded his head and said "Okay" while moving towards the door.

"Murasakibara-kun?" Kuroko asked "When am I getting my dog back?"

"Eh? You can follow us to the fair tomorrow. Maybe you'll win me some sweets. Well, later" Murasakibara said as he waved.

Kuroko watched his retreating back and thought that maybe its time he admitted his dog was gone forever. Once he even tried to smuggle Number 2 out of Muraskabira's penthouse while the giant was in the kitchen but Number 2 barked so loudly that Murasakibara heard and came running. Maybe his dog would love him more if he could make anything other than boiled egg.

Kagami and Midorima also stood up and said they were leaving too. Aomine and Bokuto who were already starting to doze off at the table said an absent-minded goodbye.

Kuroko walked Kagami to the door and Kagami said "Thanks for inviting me, Kuroko". He brought out his fist for a fist bump and Kuroko raised his too but Aomine came from nowhere and smacked Kagami's fist.

"Get lost" Aomine said "Why don't you find your own thing to do with Kuroko? Better yet, why don't you find someone else to bother? You and Midorima seem rather friendly"

Midorima and Kagami immediately launched into lines of defense which Aomine found suspicious. He was kidding after all.

"Ah" Aomine said while looking from the flustered green-head to the even more flustered red-head "Is something going on here?"

"kkk. Why don't you mind your business?" Kagami said.

Kuroko and Aomine watched them walk out the door when Aomine suddenly grabbed Kagami by the scruff of his shirt.

"Hold on you little thief. What's that in your hand? Is that my shoe? Give it back"

Kagami immediately bent over and tried protecting the bag against his stomach.

"Please" Kagami muttered

Aomine grabbed his head and said "Give it back. This is the fourth pair of shoe you're stealing from me. At this rate, I wont have shoes to wear"

"Please" Kagami said "Something spilled on my shoe and I have a game tomorrow"

"Then wash your shoe, idiot" Aomine said as he reached for the bag once more while Kagami dodged.

"You said you'd give me any pair of shoes when I win a one-on-one against you"

"But you've never won, loser" Aomine said.

Satsuki and Kise poked their head out of the room to find out what the noise was about. Satsuki shook her head when she saw them - like it was a usual sight for her and shoved Kise back inside.

Midorima and Murasakibara had already walked out but Kuroko just kept watching them with a smile on his face.

What a great day it had been, Kuroko thought.

Kuroko  x Aomine: "Stay"Where stories live. Discover now