chapter 4: talk with kitty

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Some people think that black cats are bad luck. I think not.He stood out as the moonlight shimmered over his suit. Generally, his ears stood up joyfully and playfully instead, his cat ears drooped. He stood staring at me with his emerald-green eyes with teardrops about to escape any second."Bugaboo? I was so worried M'lady." he stepped forward to hug me."I am so sorry for worrying you Cat Noir." I threw my arms around him. I could feel his heart beating as well as crying his eyes out. I didn't want this moment to end. For a moment, nothing else mattered. Shadowmoth could have ended the world and wiped out all life and I wouldn't have cared. "Have you been eating? You have become so skinny. I haven't seen you in 2 weeks. 2 whole weeks! " Cat noir broke the hug and gently placed his hands on my shoulders."Why are you crying, M'lady?""I-I personal problems...." I muttered. I couldn't even look at him without opening a box of sadness, betrayal and anger. "You can tell me everything, or...not. You can choose."He said reassuringly. I hesitated. But I knew I couldn't hold it in any longer."None of my friends stood up for me. No one loves me! No one trusts me! I-I s-should have tried h-harder. I-I s-shouldn't have let her threaten me. Now my friends and family are in danger because I ignored her threats! Now they all think I am a psychopath that will kill and hurt them at first sight. I am such a bad friend and person that, t-they didn't trust me. EVERYTHING IS MY FAULT!..... MY FAULT!" The whole of Paris shook. A wave of vibrations reached the very depths of Paris. The whole sky illuminated as a shock of thunder arrived again- just to make my day worse. Cat Noir stared in astonishment while citizens covered their ears, immediately started to look towards me concerned. But I didn't care. I just wanted to end myself from this torture. I just wanted to collapse and blame myself for my friends and family's endangerment. I was too afraid to make eye contact with him. He lifted my chin up gently."D-Do think Marinette bullied me?" I muttered."Of course not M'lady! She is such a kind girl. I knew Lila was lying. Ugh! I should have tried harder to find her and help her. "I looked at him gratefully. I am glad one person believed me. A warm smile crept on my face. That was the first time I smiled in weeks.I gazed at his beautiful, glossy emerald-green eyes again. I was so close to him that I could see the reflection of myself and the shimmering, silver moon. I couldn't help but wonder that this was peculiarly familiar. Then it hit me."Adrien?"The cat just stared at me, confused. " Paw-don me?The model boy? What about him? Why is everyone talking about him? No one is talking about me, even though I am much funnier, kinder and better dressed than him."I rolled my eyes annoyingly."I meant you remind me of him." Cat Noir was just staring at me, hanging onto every word I said. "You both look out for me, you both have blonde hair-""Did you just say that you both look out for me? Do you know Adrien in real life?""I-" I sucked in my breath and glanced away. I cursed and didn't say anything else. How could I be so careless? Maybe I was that tired of running around from the cops that those words escaped my mouth. I death stared at him. He immediately shut up and knew that I wanted to drop the subject. "Tikki! Oh no! I completely forgot to feed her! Bye, kitty. A-And thanks for cheering me up.""Anything for you M'lady." He winked. I swung back to an alleyway - not too close to the alleyway I transformed in earlier - just in case the herd was still there. It felt so good to see Cat Noir again. But I knew I didn't have enough time before I got caught again. At least I had Tikki with me, she always cheers me up. There were still two problems. I still had no place to stay and... what did my friends and family think of my disappearance?

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