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Forget the fact that Hisham had a pass, that nigger is an asshole. He has no respect for humans, well except his mother but damn! He's very ruthless, selfish, arrogant, and ugh! Inhuman. The words aren't enough to depict his despicable-ness.

But she's still firm to her words, no backing out.

Five days trapped in the basement. He only visits when it's her feeding time. Yeah! You heard that Farha has turned into a dog now.

Funny she gets to have one teaspoon of honey and a bottle of water. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

She's pale. You could see the dark circles and bloodshot eyes. Being married to Hisham has not only been a nightmare but war. She hasn't had a bath not to talk of sleep since the last five days, and by the looks of it, she won't be getting that for a while.

Does she curb? Yeah! Deep in the night but as quiet as a cemetery, did she forget to mention how dark the basement is? Well, it's super lurid. The lights only get turned on when he's around.

His face is always masked with zero emotions. How does he do that? No pain, pity, or mercy. You know Gearta; the shape-shifting Android that Schwoz invented from that Nickelodeon show Henry danger? Well, they somewhat have a lot in common with Hisham.

Not funny!

If she had a way to get out of this place she would, but she's completely hopeless. Only he could set her free but of course, she won't ask for that, she is lurid but the attitude remains.

War! War! I tell you...

Years back if you tell her she'd be in a situation like this, she'd probably think you've gone insane. You know, you can never really escape your fate, but rather pray for a good and less distressing one.

Life flings us different sorts of trials but all you've got to do and embrace it and pray to Allah for a way out.

Her current state is similar to a book she read; HIDDEN SCARS, but compared to Yumna, she's gone through nothing! Yumna has surely faced a lot, Farha couldn't help but mutter an Alhamdullilah.

Very unfortunate that she had to die in the end. But I feel death is her only way of peace. Farha also didn't like how delicate she was. If it was up to her, she'd make sure her enemies fall to her doom.

Wonder what Hisham would say to the girls if they asked of her. He'll probably come up with a perfect lie but wait, she's never heard him spill one before, so he'd ignore the question as he usually does when being asked.

School. She's missed a lot, the thoughts of it make her eyes well up. There's nothing liege than her studies, maybe he knew it'll get to her.

Punishment as he calls it, preferably torture...

Her life would have been so much better if she wasn't forced to keep up with a maniac till death do them apart.

His bad! Very very bad! No words could explain her misery atm.

It was just a stupid Journal. What is so special about it is that she has to serve punishment that she doesn't deserve. Farha wants to know what consists of that book and she would, either by hook or by crook.

The title of the first page kept running through her head, trying to predict what comes afterward.

Falling prey into fate's hands.

Interesting, very interesting. Name her strong-head, for all she cares. As her top priority, getting that journal and knowing what sort of criminal her husband is, is #1.

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