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She knocked on his door taking glances here and there out of fear. If there was another option than coming to him, then she'd go for it, but to hell with that now, she's a minute from losing her sanity.

She bit on her lower lip fighting back the waterfalls as she knocked harder.

"Why are you here?" Her heart rate escalated letting out a scream just for him to silence her by palming her lips.

"Do you mind?" You could sense the tone of irk-ness. Her lips tremble and that did, the tears came rushing down.

His eyes bore into hers, feeling the warm substance on his palm. Hisham couldn't depict what those almond eyes hold within but for sure there was some sort of alluring.

He pulled his hands away dipping them into his sweatpants. 

"You shouldn't be here," he blurts heading for the knob yet she's quick to get a hold of his hand.

"I can't sleep"

His left brow arched up, "So?"

"In my room"

Okay now that sounded stupid but who cares, the last thing she'll do is back down not when she's come this far.

Surprisingly, he opened up the door guiding her in. Yeah, she wasn't expecting it to be this easy, well, lucky her.

Farha wiped off her tears mustering enough courage to walk in.

This is suicide she's committing.

She walks in having him tail behind her. It's not like it's her first time here, but this time it felt different well maybe coz she was granted access by his royal highness.

One word that could elucidate his room should be Dead, coz even a graveyard hard more life/light to it than this room.

"Can I take the bed?"

He nods disappearing into the closet.

She settles herself comfortably on the bed mumbling a few azkhars, just as she concluded he walked out with a black MacBook.

What on Earth is up with him and black?

She flickered her gaze to the wall clock, at 3:22 AM.

"Aren't you going to sleep?"

He ignores proceeding to his study table just a few meters away.


"I can't"

"Why are you here then?"


His eyes draw together stealing a glance at her.

"Do you ever get tired?"

She's making him talk much more than he usually does. Why does she have to be a blabbermouth?

"If I could keep up with you, then work shouldn't be as tiring" he sneered accessing the unanswered emails.

Ouch! That was offensive. Is she that much of a pest?

"Why did you agree to the marriage?" She questions out of the blue.

He made sure to conclude with the almost done email before he replies, "Were you given a choice?"

Answering a question with a question, who does that? Oh yeah! Nigerians.


"Then you have your answer"

"I never wish for this either, but then why are you rebuking this on me?" Maybe it's time she gets answers.

He rubs his temples, he's not having this conversation especially coz he doesn't have answers. "Go to sleep Farah"

She chuckles at the way he said her name. Funny it's the first time she's heard him say her name even though he didn't say it right.

"Who is she?"

He remains mute having in mind that he's said enough or things aren't going to end well.

"Who's Naeema? And why isn't she the one in my place?"

He balled his hands into a fist, his veins pop out. She's crossing her boundaries, she should know that.

"Don't you think I deserve to know?"

"Don't!" He warns.

"You love her, don't you? And somehow I'm the barrier standing in between" She goes further shrugging at his demand.


"Why can't you let me go and have in. Keeping me here isn't doing good to any of us, then what exactly is the problem here?" She stops heaving out a sigh.

"Isn't the feelings mutu---"

"Get out!" He fires shutting the MacBook.

Her heart skipped to the sound.

"You think if it's up to me, I'd be knotted to you for this long?"

"Then end it! Once and for all, do you think I also want to stay married to you? I have dreams just as you have her, and you are standing amidst that just as I am."

He shut his eyes trying to calm the rage. "Out of my room, now!"

"No! Not until I get answers or preferably a divorce"

"Don't make me do what you'd end up regretting"

"What haven't you done? Take a look, do I seem like myself. I don't know if this is supposed to make you feel guilty or gladden but you've caused more damage than you should" She spat.

"I want out of this, is that too much to ask?"

This isn't going to end now not when she doesn't get what she came here for. It's high time she stood up more than she should have and walked out of this unhealthy alignment. She can't spend the rest of her life like that.

Heck her life just began and she can't have an absentminded so-called husband snatch that away from her even if it means going against the shari'a

Allah said it himself; He has forbid mistreatment for himself and also included it as Haram, so do not partake in it.

"Dan Allah let me have my life back. Things can go back to the way they were. I'll make sure to never cross paths with you, just let me go for the sake of Allah. I can't do this, I can't no longer bear this" She pleads, tears accumulating in the brim of her eyes.

She may seem vulnerable and sound immature right now, but it doesn't matter as long as she gets her freedom.

"Till death do us apart"


Yes yes! I know I'm a sweetheart 💃🥂😌😂 well yh!

Either ways! Who like where this is heading to?😂 Hisham no wan let us her go, who else is thinking what I'm thinking 🙄😂

Shaaa! Drop yh thoughts and I may decided to update soon coz there's a lot to where that's coming from😉


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