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Khayr remained silent, digesting the shocking information passed on to her by her supposed mother-in-law, Sarauniya.

She couldn't believe what she was hearing - that she was married to D Yarima, her long-time crush, and that he had saved her life weeks ago. She was still trying to wrap her head around it all.

Sarauniya grabbed her cold hands, giving them a slight squeeze. "You may not recognize it, but I'm just a call away if and when you need me, okay?" Khayr nodded, still in shock.

Khayr was married to her crush, but she didn't want to believe it. She had been obsessed with him from afar, but never thought she'd be married to him. She shut her eyes, sucking in a breath, trying to process it all.

Sarauniya continued, "You can also tell me anything, I'm like a mother to you, you know that, right?" Khayr hummed in response, still trying to decipher her feelings.

If she were thirteen, she'd be thrilled, but now, Khayr's emotions were a jumbled mess.

No wonder Asiya and Layla seemed familiar.

Sarauniya's words pierced the air, laced with bitterness: "Be patient with my son; he may not be the ideal husband, but I assure you, he'll come around...hopefully."

Her love for Hisham was evident, despite her frustration.

The long-standing issue between father and son baffled her; she loathed his evasive reply: "Some things are better left unsaid."

Countless attempts to find out the truth ended in vain, leaving her exasperated.

The truth, however, can't remain hidden forever.

Khayr responded with a gentle hum, "Ummulkhayr," followed by a soft "Allah ya miki albarka."


It took days before Salim was able to convince Umma that Farha would and In Shaa Allan get her memories back. Umma let herself go completely these past few days, she didn't even want to face Farha knowing that she had no clue about her.

Umma, Abba, Sarki, and Sarauniya departed back to Bauchi the next day in hope that things fall back to place.

Khayr shifts uncomfortable for the umpteenth time exhaling a series of tidal air which didn't go unnoticed by Hisham.

He picked her up from Asiya's house a little while ago and they're currently on their way back home.

"You can relax, I don't bite yanno" he states taking the next turn.

Her heart skipped at his tune, his masculine voice a fit to his aura and demeanor, no doubt.

Ya Allah save her from embarrassing herself, she thought chewing on her lower lip.

You know that moment when you're alone with someone you know nothing of yet you had a massive crush on?

She likes to believe her crush was just an infatuation and she's way over him now but right now her feelings are giving up on her.

"You can come down now" he snaps her out from her revive.

She didn't even notice their arrival, just as she expected they, now that she's going to be residing here, their humble house is a mansion.

She steps out of the car tailing behind like a lost puppy wondering her gaze around here and there.

He stopped by the kitchen handing her over to Rosey as she heard him say, exchanging a few words before he left for the stairs.

"This is your room, it has all you need. You can use the intercom to get to me when you render my assistant" She explains to which Khayr replies with a Curt nod just as she had been doing.

Rosey stood to observe her for a second causing Khayr's brows to draw in confusion.

"Excuse me?" She blurts.

Rosey draws her gaze away, "Right, sorry" she turns on her shoe heading out.

She did the necessities before retiring for the night.

Her screams woke him up from his light slumber, making his way to her room.

"Dada! mummy! Don't do this, please Kameel" She stutters in mumbles.

He piled off the blanket, holding onto her, he gently hit on her cheeks trying to get her to wake up but to no avail.

His stare waved to the glass of water by the side of the bed.

"Don't do this Kameel!"

He splashed the water on her face causing her to bolt up from his hold. She heaved out waves of breath placing her hand on her racing heart.

A minute passed with no exchange of words, she didn't even know he was by her side. She drew her knees to her chest diving into yet another crying session.

Her muffled whisper didn't go unheard by him, he contemplated on what to do, before placing his hand on her silk hair.

She looked up in a panic, her stare falling into his. His action of running his hand around her hair didn't seize. Her lips quivered, and he erased the little distance between them, enveloping her in a much-needed hug.

He mumbled soothing words to her ear, a dozen questions running around his mind.

Her light snores cut short his endless thoughts urging a chuckle out of him. He peeled her off him, placing her head on the pillow.

Her eyes squirm open, "S-stay with me" her tune on the edge.

His muscles relax sending her a nod. He slipped into the covers drawing her closer to him finding her warmth suddenly comforting.

The scent of lavender hit his nostrils, and unlike the other days, he had a good night's sleep, a very good one.


Khayr and Farha are the same people. Don't be confused 🤭


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