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Iftar Mubarak ✨

Her gaze trailed around her irked husband that just walked in heading straight up ignoring her presence.

Yeah! It's now a daily routine. She feels more like a statue than a wife and it'd be a lie if she admits to not being bothered. Suhana doesn't get it with Hamza these days.

Hamza is turning into someone that isn't her husband. It scares her that their marriage is gradually falling apart. The whole being parents issue is turning her home upside down.

He doesn't even spare her a glance talkess of a minute of his time. He's being too cold with her now, astagfirullah she's starting to suspect he's falling out of love or maybe has gotten the fact that she couldn't provide him a child, and now he wants her gone.

He's making her feel as though she's a burden or maybe she is.

Heck, he doesn't even eat whatever she has to offer, he stays out late and leaves early as 6 AM. They no longer share a room, remember when she mentioned their marriage crushing, this is exactly what she means.

Right now she doesn't even know who to talk to or what to do. Hibba? She'll give her the usual long talks plus she fails to understand her side of the view so it's pointless. Jannah? Nh! She doesn't want to load her with her matter as it is, she's all new to the whole marriage stuff and she also has the little creature in her belly to deal with.

Farha? Okay, maybe Farha could be of help.

Know what!? She's going up to meet him and talk whether he wants to or not, he has to give her a listening ear, she deserves that as his wife.

She fought back the tears heading for the stairs. She barged into the room not bothering to knock and just in time he walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist and a mini one wrapped along his neck.

He gave her a quick stare, proceeding to the closet.

"Hamza" She calls out halting his steps. Saying out his name felt bizarre. It almost felt like it's the first time she's saying it.

What has happened to them?

Even he couldn't justify to when last he heard his name slip from her lips. He felt a pang that he couldn't deny as well.

"Why are you here? Please lea---"

She cut him off with a weary laugh flinging her hands to the air unbelievably.

"Can you even hear yourself?"


"We should get a divorce" She blurted out of the blue sending waves of shivers down every aspect of his vein.

He wasn't expecting that.

"Don't give me that look, we both know it's the only option left because I can no longer live under the same roof with a man that no longer takes me for a wife.  I can't stand you crushing my delicate heart." Tears packed at the brim of her eyes waiting to be shed.

"I love you, I still do and I don't even know if I can ever get rid of the feelings but I'm willing to try, coz nowadays it's heartaches every here and there, it's becoming unbearable. I hate that I can't give you a child, yeah! I despise myself for that too but c'mon, my mental health matters as well" every word of her rang in his head.

"You're far different from the man I fell in love with. I, I don't even know who you are anymore" she bitterly states wiping away her blurry vision.

"I deserve better than this and you know that. At least even if you no longer want me to be a part of your everyday life." She cries out waiting for a response to which she didn't get any. She searched for regret or maybe guilt in his eyes, but nothing.

She nods frantically gathering back the sanity left in her before turning on her shoes. Just as she expected, he didn't try to stop her nor did he utter a single word till she left.

Reality has dawned on her that Hamza no longer feels for her and the early she accepts that the better.

She stepped into her turning to shut the door coming in view with her half-naked husband or maybe ex-husband.


She forced the door close but who is she kidding, he's ten times stronger so it was in vain.

He grabbed on her shoulders holding firm earning a yelp to which he paid no head, her words earlier shook him to the core and he has to make sure she knows that.

"Let go of me" she stutters trying to wiggle out from his hold.

"What were you thinking, Huh!?"



He didn't appreciate hearing his name flip out and not because it is disrespectful or not but he's not accustomed to that.

"You're hurting me, plea---" The tries to reason.

"You think you could get rid of me easily? Do you think your words could urge me to let you go? Or letting you go has ever been an option?" He thundered.


"Let me straighten things up, you Suhana Abubakar Jali are stuck with me for the rest of your life."

"That was then, I don't want that anymore. This place doesn't feel like home, heck you don't even feel like home and I don't want to ever keep living my remaining days under the same roof with yo---"

A kissed her off having enough of her piercing words. She pushed him off her raining multiple hits on his biceps.

"Get off of me! I hate y---" he yet again kissed her shut giving her no room to end her statement coz menh! He's a minute away from running mad.

He bit her lower lip earning him entrance to dive in more and savor the sweetness he has yearn for for days.

Guilt could not depict his feelings. He must have been so blinded by his ego to notice the germ slipping away that if she had vanished, then he'd spend the rest of his life in regret.

"I'm sorry" he mumbled the minutes their lips detached.

She shook her head vigorously letting the tears stream. "I can't do this"

"No, don't say that. We'll get through this like we always do" he cupped her cheeks wiping off her tears.

"Leave, please go" she shooed and he got that she wanted to be alone to be able to come around.

He nods in defeat placing a kiss on her forehead. "I'm not leaving you" with that, he walked away leaving her to dwell on the moment...


Yes yes! I Know I'm a babe😌 I actually wrote this in class while English lectures where going on😂 yh I Know, I'm not serious at times though 😑

Anyways, warris happening to Hamza and Suhana 🤧😩💔

Oya bye🚶🚶🚶


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