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,,Y/N you messed up. Again!''

,,I'm sorry I didn't notice. I'll correct this right away!" I apologized.

Damn I hate my job with a passion. If this could just end, I'd be grateful. Whole day. Whole day I'm just waiting to finally go home but the time seems to go slower than usual. I looked at the time. Still three more hours left. How am I supposed to survive this?!

I took a seat in front of the computer and started correcting the plan I just thought was finished with. I knew that working as an architect wouldn't be easy, but this? If I would've known I wouldn't even consider this job nor apply for it.

I closed my eyes tightly and took a deep breath in and out.

,,Hey, it'll be alright." Lisa said, she sounded a little worried.

Lisa has been my coworker for few months now. Nice girl, but annoying as hell. She thinks she helps me but instead she gives me headache. It's not like she would be bad but she's clingy since the first day because she has no friends in here. I never really understood why she was even trying to be friends with me in the first place.

I nodded without looking at her and continued working. The phone started ringing again.

,,Y/N how can I help you?" I picked up the phone trying to sound as friendly as possible.

,,Good day. I'm Robert Stevens. I was searching for mister Hopkins, if he available?"

I looked around but he was nowhere to be found. Again.

,,I'm sorry but he's currently not around. Should he call you back?" I asked smiling, trying to keep myself calm.

.   .   .

,,I don't understand how they always get at angry at you. It's not like it's the end of the world if you make a mistake, is it?"

Why does Lisa have the urge to keep talking so much?

,,Listen, I made a mistake so they have a right to be upset about it. I mean I made a lot of mistakes lately and it costs a lot. Company is suffering because of MY mistakes."

She was silent, knowing I was right. Lately I could barely concentrate on the work and I would made a lot of stupid mistakes that would turn out very expensive. So it's understable that my boss isn't too excited about it either.

,,You should finally tell them."

I looked at her with my 'no' face, but she didn't stop.

,,Listen, I know you don't want to, but-"

,,But what? How in the world would it help me? It's just ADD I can live with that. To that, they would tell me to take the medication. And you know I refuse that. The last thing I need is stupid advice from people that don't know anything about me."

,,Listen the medication would help you tho! It's not like the world's going to end if you take those at least while you're at work."

,,Why am I even bothering talking to you?" I asked myself silently, but she still could hear it.

Great she's sad, now what?

I looked at the time. The train would arrive in 12 minutes first. Shit!

,,Just stop telling me what to do and what not. You know I won't do it anyways." Yeah, that didn't sound like an apology either.

Y/N why are you such an idiot?

,,I know. But I still am hoping you'd listen to me at least once and take an advice. You're just hurting yourself with this." She said, clearly upset.

I never took advice from others. Simply because I don't like it when people shove their noses into my business. I refuse it and hate it from the bottom of my heart. Like why do people always feel like I need their help? I can do this myself, I'm strong enough to do this.

Tons of thoughts are running through my head. Should I apologize? Should I tell her something? Should I just stay silent?

Urgh, why are interactions with people so difficult?!

Instead of saying anything, I looked around. My eyes were catched by the trees in the distance. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath in. I opened my eyes again, still looking at the trees. I like trees. Nature generally. Plants and animals are way easier to understand than people. I never really understood why people do the things they do or act they way they do. They are all like a big mystery to me.

U turned back to look at Lisa who was looking at her phone smiling. Her boyfriend for sure. Disgusting.

The train finally arrived and we got in. Lisa started rambling about her boyfriend and how sweet he is to her. Any word that came out of her mouth was just annoying to me. It felt as if she would never stop.

I looked out of the window of the train and observed the nature outside. It was slowly getting dark but I could still see the outside clearly. Beautiful trees, tall grass, houses and gardens, kids playing outside having fun. I started to think about all the stuff I'd have to do as soon as I'd get home and the thought of it made me nervous. I was excited for the food my mom prepared tho. I was starving after today. I didn't managed to eat lunch because of the stress again. I know this isn't good for my health, but I couldn't do otherwise. It was either this or spending the rest of my lunch break on the toilet letting it all out of me like a water fontaine, just with the difference that it wouldn't be a cristal clear water coming out of my mouth but the lunch I tried to keep inside of me.

,,Y/N are you listening to me?" Lisa's voice brought me back from my thoughts.

,,No, sorry." I said hesitantly.

,,You zoned out again. Great so I can start over. What I was saying..."

Please just stop.

.   .   .

,,Hi Y/N!" My mom greeted me as soon as I arrived. She seemed excited first but seeing my tired face possibly made her worried. ,,Are you alright?"

,,Yes, all good. Just tired, today was exhausting again." I lied and gave her a smile.

She smiled back and went back to talk to dad. My smile disappeared as soon as she turned away.

In a way I'm glad she didn't notice I was upset, but at the same time I was wishing for her to look at me and say that she knows I'm lying to her. But that will never happen anyways.

My hunger suddenly disappeared again and I went to my room. I opened the door and close them again as soon as I walked in. I let myself myself on the bed and sighed in exhaustion.

,,When will this finally be over?" I asked myself out loud.

,,Hard day I see. Can relate." A male voice suddenly said.

I opened my eyes immediately and looked around my room just to see a man sitting on my chair. I jumped from my bed.

,,What in the-!"

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