The unbearable silence

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It's been three days without Channie. And the silence I had to deal with was unbearable.

Who would've thought that the silence that I used to enjoy would now be eating me up and driving me crazy?

I didn't feel like eating. I barely slept. I barely drank anything. I couldn't bring myself really to do anything. Even getting out of bed in the morning was a huge challenge for me.

It reminded me of the depression that I used to have for many, many years. But it felt thousand times worse now. Before, I was at least willing to somehow get better and fight, but this seemed impossible now.

I was tired. Tired of fighting. Tired of trying. Tired of everything.

The only happiness that I truly felt before with Channie was gone. And Channie, the source of my only happiness, was gone as well.

I knew that I'd see him soon again, but I was upset about him leaving. Couldn't he be at least a little more delusional, like me in this very moment?

I hated to admit it, but I still had hope that we would still stay with each other even after he woke up. The logic decided to leave my brain completely. Common sense was missing.

The days felt endless and at work, it seemed almost as if the time stopped. I kept looking around me in hope I'd see him. But he wasn't there. I kept listening to the songs of his group to make me feel better, but it mostly made me even more upset.

Trying to hold back tears the whole day was exhausting as well. And everybody around me was just pissing me off.

,,You good, Y/N?" Lisa asked.

Of course I wasn't you annoying little cow.

,,Yes I am good." I said numbly.

,,You sure? Because-"

,,Because what? You always think how well you know me, but you don't know shit. So instead of pretending like you actually care, maybe you could just shut up." I said angrily this time.

She looked at me in disbelief, shocked by that reaction. Even tho I wasn't always nice to her, I was always holding back and tried not to snap and let my anger and frustrations out on her. But that wasn't possible at this moment.

I tried to work, but I couldn't concentrate at all. It rather felt like I had a brain fog and didn't even understand what was real and what not anymore.

Suddenly the phone started riging which brought me more or less back to reality. I picked up the phone.

,,Hello?" I asked.

There was no answer coming back.

,,Hello." I said again.

,,Wake up." The voice said suddenly.

,,Excuse me?" I said confused.

,,Wake. Up. Y/N." The voice said seriously.

,,Is this some kind of joke-?" I asked still confused.

,,You need to wake up!"

After those words, the person hang up and left me with complete confusion. What the hell was that?!

,,Who was it?" Lisa asked curiously.

,,Not sure." I admitted.

I went to check for the number, but there was nothing to be found. As if nobody even called.

Am I hallucinating? Am I really going crazy?

I shook my head and tried to continue to work, when the phone started ringing once again. I picked it up.


Absolute, unbearable silence.

,,Somebody there?" I asked.

Silence again.

I was about to hang up the phone when I heard suddenly again the male voice.

,,Once you woke up, I'll make it up to you. That's a promise."

A weird feeling filled up my body. Tears started filling up my eyes, as I felt sudden pain all over my body. I had to close my eyes. I couldn't move, it felt as if I couldn't breathe either. Metallic taste filled up my mouth.

,,HELP! SOMEBODY HELP! THERE'S A WOMAN STUCK IN HERE!" Unknown voice started crying, screaming for help. ,,I'm so sorry! Please, stay alive, please!" The voice kept begging. It was the same voice again, but now clearer, louder. And desperate.

The pain became stronger and stronger with each second. Sharp pain right in my stomach, my head was about to explode. I tried to open my eyes slightly, just to see a man above me. His tears were falling down his cheeks right on my face.

,,I'm sorry. I am so, so sorry." His voice cracked as he said that.

,,Y/N! Y/N wake up! Are you alright?!" Lisa called out my name.

I opened my eyes in shock. And felt extremely dizzy. My head was hurting. It took me a while to realize that the whole office was standing around me with worried looks. I looked around slowly hus to find out that I was on the floor.

,,What happened?" I asked confused.

,,That's what we should be asking. You suddenly fell from your chair and hit your head on the table. You began to shake like crazy, we thought you were dying here!" Lisa said.

,,Where is he?"


,,The man. He was here just now standing above me."

,,Y/N what are you talking about it was just us." Lisa said confused.

. . .

My boss let me go home early today and told me to stay home for the test of the week. They tried to take me to the hospital, but I refused. Instead, I told them that I was just possibly too tired, since I was sleeping horribly for the past few days.

I went home, only texting my parents that I got 'holidays' till the end of the week. As I arrived home, I went to take a hot shower in hope that I could relax. Yet it didn't help.

The scene was playing in front of my eyes over again and again. The man seemed so familiar and yet I couldn't remember who it could be. The voice, the words that the man told me, were breaking my heart. I didn't know how to feel tho. I was angry, frustrated, confused and upset. It felt as if I was experiencing something that already happened. Like a flashback from my past. And yet I still couldn't put the pieces together at all.

My head began to hurt again after a while and I decided to get out of the shower. I ran my fingers through my wet hair as I took a look at me in the mirror, which was foggy due to the hot shower. When I suddenly noticed something that didn't feel right at all.

I ran over the mirror with my palm so I could see more clearly.


Blood was running from my nose as the headache became stronger again.

Sharp pain in my stomach came back as I broke down on the floor.

,,What is going on?!" I hissed right before I became unconcious once again.

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