The pants incident

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I couldn't sleep.

I usually was too tired to stay up this long, but I couldn't manage to sleep. Everything felt wrong. Me. Chan. What happened.

Yes, what happened...

That situation was playing on repeat in my head, over and over again the same scene. His eyes. His breath. His lips. Those lips...

I shook my head. Y/N stop you are not like this! I turned around just to see Chan right in front of me. Before I could scream in shock tho, he covered my mouth with lighter panic in his eyes.

,,What are you doing?!" I whispered as I pushed his hand away from my mouth.

,,I spend nights watching you sleep. Not like a creep tho, just because I have nothing better to do and I want to be there for you if you have a nightmare again." He spilled.

I froze after hearing those words. I was used to be all by myself when those nightmares happened and nobody comforted me or was there for me. And now there was Chan.

,,I can go away tho if you-"

,,No!" I said and grabbed him by his shirt.

Now this was new Y/N what is wrong with you? Didn't you want to get rid of him not that long ago?

My mind was filled with thousands of thoughts again. The shirt was nice, it was smooth and comfortable to touch. It felt nice in my fingers. The texture  was just calming me down. His scent suddenly hit my senses. Instead of panicking as I'd normally do, I relaxed myself. I can't remember the last time I felt this relaxed at all. It was new. And new stuff doesn't really make me feel comfortable. I was torn between willing to let go of him and keeping him to myself. Y/N get yourself together.

,,Don't worry I won't go." He smiled. He sat down on the floor and gently started playing with my hair.

I closed my eyes immediately as I forgot how nice it felt to be touched by someone. Playing with my hair always calmed me down when I was little. It was the only way to make me stop crying or finally make me sleep. I relaxed my body as he was still playing with my hair. It made me feel safe. And I never felt save.

And now it changed.

I was standing in the middle of the road. In front of me, there was a tree. I went closer to it.

Not this again. Please.

I touched the tree and the sky became black, raindrops started falling on my skin. They were freezing cold. The water started raising. And I began to panic. I knew what was about to happen. My body wouldn't listen to me. I wanted to run, but I couldn't. I wanted to scream for help, but I got no voice. I wanted to do at least something, but my body was heavy. Extremely heavy. And weak. My legs gave up and I fell down on my knees. Fear started to build up inside of me. I couldn't breathe, my body was trembling.

,,Y/N! Wake up!" A voice said.

I started to look around. The sparkle of hope in my mind made me stand up again. The water was already up to my hips.

,,Stay with me!" The voice said again. ,,Wake up!"

I jumped from my bed, tears falling down my face as I tried to catch my breath. My body was trebling and I felt so cold.

,,Hey, hey it's ok! I'm here it was just a nightmare. I am here, it's ok." Chan said and hugged me immediately. I wanted to push him away at first, but I couldn't find the strength in my body to do so.

I hugged him back, borrowing my face into his chest, trying to stop myself from crying.

,,It's ok." He whispered as he held me tighter.

The dream was different. Why was it different?
There was never a voice calling for me. I couldn't even recognize the voice. But this was the first time I felt hope in the middle of the biggest nightmare.

His scent.

Chan's scent hit my nose as I took a deep breath in. Tears stopped falling down my face. Suddenly all I was feeling was safety. Warmth.

Will there ever be a day that will make this nightmares stop?

.   .   .

,,Is this some kind of- shit you are planning?" Chan asked me while we were at work again.

I shook my head only and wrote down on the paper that I was planning a decoration for in front of a bakery that was supposed to look like a piece of cake. It looked like shit tho.

I had to hold back laugh as he said that so seriously.

We didn't talk about what happened last night. Nothing about the tickling, nothing about the sudden closure and also nothing about my nightmare. He tried to start the topic, but I started to pretend like I know nothing about it. And I suppose he got the message because he didn't ask about it ever since.

,,Looks like you're planning a piece shit." A familiar voice said.

Not you you little-

,,What do you want?" I asked trying to hold back my frustration.

,,Lisa said you are not doing too well, so I thought-"

,,Well you shouldn't think then because apparently it doesn't really help you Jay." I stated while looking at my screen and pretended to work while I was actually just clicking around.

,,Damn that's rude. Anyways I thought we could maybe-"

,,No we couldn't."

,,Let me finish!" He said clearly upset about the way I talked to him.

,,No I won't since I'm not interested in your useless talk. If you don't have anything that has something to do with work then you can leave and stop talking to me."

Jay was making my blood boil anytime I've seen him. After what he has done, I didn't receive anything anymore not even a damn apology. He was too proud to admit that he did me wrong and I'll never forgive him. And also won't ever forget.

How could I even go and just forget what he has done?


I turned around and searched for some papers I needed while ignoring Jay the whole time he was standing there and staring when suddenly I realized Chan was there still. He seemed angry too. But what is his reason for being mad? He doesn't even know him.

Suddenly he stood up and went right next to Jay, looking at him clearly annoyed.

Chan, what are you-

Without hesitation he pulled his pants down and showed the world Jay's naked, hairy ass.

I didn't know he could do that?

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