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,,Are you sure you want-" Chan started the same sentence again, and I cut him off with the same answer.

,,Yes. And I'll say it every single time you ask."

He kept asking me the entire time if I'm sure that I want to go to that medium today already and not on the day we agreed on in the beginning.

,,Just wanted to make sure." He said while he lowered his head a little.

Way too many thoughts were rushing through my head again ever since I woke up. I barely slept as well. I didn't have any nightmares this time, but I mean, it's not like I got proper sleep either.

I fixed my hair while looking at myself in the mirror. I looked horrible. My eyes then went to Chan who was standing behind me, looking at me all zoned out. His gaze was different than usually.

It wasn't the happy, playful stare that he's given me everyday since we've met for the first time. He was afraid. And clearly sad. In a way nervous too.

Was it because he didn't want to leave me? Or was he just nervous what was about to happen? Or afraid of what the medium will tell us?

Either way I could tell that he wasn't alright at all. He never zoned out this much before. He was slightly tense, but he didn't dare to ask me anything anymore, since I would just cut him off immediately.

,,It almost looks as if you didn't want to go there at all." I spoke my thoughts out loud.

He then looked me straight in the eyes, he became even more tense than before.

,,It's not like that." He said. His voice was without any emotions. It rather sounded cold, heartless.

What is going on, Chan? What are you not telling me?

I shook my head and opened the door, ready to leave. I was about to take a step forward, when I felt a hand grabbing onto my shoulder and made me turn around.

He was clearly terrified at this point.

,,Chan. If we won't go now, we might never be able to solve this. And I am definitely not alright either.  We need to do it today, not just for you, but also for me." I said and he let go of my shoulder again, lowering his head once again.

After I walked away, he followed me.

.   .   .

We stopped in front of a small but quite nice house. I asked Belle for the adress so we wouldn't have to struggle any further with finding the medium.

I took few steps closer to the door. I wanted to knock, but I froze for a second.

Am I sure that I want to do it? Am I sure that this is the right thing to do? Or is it just my fear and impulsivity taking control over me once again?

The thoughts were rushing through my head, making me feel slightly dizzy again.

When suddenly the door slowly opened right in front of my eyes, just to see a woman standing there.

I guess she was in her 40s, long black hair, dark skin. But what especially caught me off guard were her bright, violet eyes.

They were so deep, beautiful. It felt as I've seen the entire galaxy in them. The tension I felt the entire time disappeared as soon as her eyes met mine.

She was truly stunning.

,,I was waiting for you, Y/N." She smiled calmly, but I was shocked.

,,You know my name?" I asked confused.

,,Of course. There's a lot that we need to talk about my dear."

Her voice was a little raspy, but it was calming. Yet, the bad gut feeling I had since yesterday didn't go away still.

,,Come on in. I made some tea." She said and made a hand gesture to invite me inside.

I looked back at Chan slowly.

,,Him as well."

I turned around quickly in shock again.

,,You-" i started but I stopped as I've noticed Chan already going inside.

She wouldn't take her eyes off of him. I couldn't read her stare tho. She seemed mad at him, at the same time disappointed too. Maybe also worried slightly, maybe even pity could be seen a little.

Confused by it, I shook my head and went inside as well.

,,My name is Gaia." She said as she showed us where to take a seat and poured some tea into the cups that she prepared for us.

This woman was the calmest being I've ever seen, it was incredible.

,,Thank you. And nice to meet you." I said as I took my tea slowly and took a tiny sip from it.

I liked the taste, but the tea was still too hot so I burned my tongue a little.

Then, I put the cup back on the table and noticed that Gaia is intensively looking once at me and then at Chan, then back at me again.

,,You two are very interesting pair, I'll give you that." She said while smiling.

,,We are not-" I shook my head fastly.

,,I know honey. But you can't tell me that there's nothing going on between the two of you either." She said calmly again while taking a sip of her tea as well.

Then the room was filled with silence again. And I hated this silence. So freaking much.

,,I suppose that you know already why we are here." I said in the end.

,,Going straight to the point. I like you already." She giggled slightly. ,,But." She said as she put the cup back on the table as well. ,,Before I come to you and your ongoing struggle, I'll first have to talk to Chan." She said as she pointed at him with her long index finger.

I looked at Chan slowly and could see he was nervous. Very nervous. Maybe a little too much.

Come on, Chan, you wanted to come here as well. Don't be scared. She will help.

,,Why did you do it?" She asked and that question made me confused.

I looked at her and then at Chan again.

I could feel the tension in the room growing rapidly.

I looked at Chan again. His face was red in anger, his eyes were slightly filled with tears.

,,I had to, Gaia." He hissed through his teeth.

Ghost love | Bang Chan FFWhere stories live. Discover now