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,,What in the-" I yelled as I jumped from my bed.

Who the hell is he?! How did he get inside?! What is he doing in my room?! I started screaming as I tried to find the door and ran outside, still in shock.

,,What's wrong?" Dad asked. You could hear panic in his voice as well, he got scared by the sudden chaos.

,,T-there's! There's a man in my room!" I yelled still shaking.

Dad rushed into my room nearly breaking my door. I couldn't stop shaking and my breathing became faster and faster with every second.
Who is he? Why is he in my room? What does he want? How did he get in? Did he come to steal something? Is he a thief?

Too many thoughts were running through my head again and even tho not even a minute passed it felt like eternity. Suddenly I noticed dad standing in front of my room again looking upset.

,,Do you think that this is funny?"

,,What?!" Is he joking?! Doesn't he see him?

,,There is literally nobody Y/N stop with this nonsense!"

I looked at him in shock. Is he joking?

I went towards him and looked inside of my room. The man was still there, but this time standing next to the chair. He looked as confused as me, his eyes wide open, his chest moving fastly because of his sudden fast breathing, his mouth slightly open.

,,Are you blind or something?! You don't see him?!" I screamed at my dad. Anger and confusion started filling up my mind and body more and more. Tension in the air started getting worse.

Dad looked at me, then back into my room and then again at me. He was angry too.

,,Is this some side effect of your medication? Are you seriously hallucinating right now?"

,,What?! No! You know I'm not taking the medication and what does this even have to do with my ADD after all anyways?! It's just that I have difficulty concentrating and not having hallucinations!" I kept screaming.

,,She doesn't take the medication honey you know she refuses to."

,,Who knows, maybe she does. You know, kids nowdays always feel sorry for themselves and then do all they can to get the attention."

I was standing there in disbelief. Not this again. Don't say this again, don't do this to me.

I looked back into my room, the man still standing there. His mouth was closed now, but he was still breathing fast. He seemed kind of... sorry?

I looked back at dad and then at mom. They both were looking at me confused, dad angry as well. Am I really hallucinating? Am I really going crazy? Can I be crazy?

I started looking on my feet, thoughts running through my head. It almost felt like a race. I had black boots on and first now I noticed that one of them was untied. I didn't even know when it happened, everything happened way too fast for me to be able to keep up. I like these boots a lot. I have a lot of shoes, but these are the most comfortable ones. They keep my feet warm when it's cold outside and walking it them feels great as well. Also they make me look a little bigger, which feels great since I'm a size of a smurf.

,,Y/N you still there?" Dad's voice brought me back to the moment and I looked back into my room, the man still standing there.

,,There's really nothing. I'm sorry...I zoned out again and the overthinking possibly made me see things. I- I will go back to my room now and change."

I closed the door leaving my parents behind. I put my head on them and closed my eyes tightly.

,,You are not here. You are just a hallucination. You don't exist." With those words, I turned around slowly.

He's still there. Still staring at me.

,,Yeah no. You are not here." I looked around trying to find my phone and earbuds. I still had them in the pocket of my jacket. I took them out slowly and sat on the bed.

I put the earbuds into my ears and let the music play as loud as I could. I looked into the direction of the hallucination. Still there. Still looking at me. I clenched my jaw and tried to concentrate on the music.

I looked at him again. He was getting closer. Oh no. No. No. No. No. No.


I looked back at my phone when he suddenly pulled out one of my earbuds.

,,HEY!" I yelled.

,,So you do see me!" He said excited yet still confused.

,,No I don't. You are a hallucination, you  are not here, you don't exist and... And give me back my earbud I'd like to listen to the music with both of my ears."

I looked at him mad. Why am I even talking to a hallucination?!

,,If I'm a hallucination, then why are you talking to me? And how could I then take one of your earbuds?" He said raising his eyebrow.

I clenched my jaw again. He's really going to play smart, huh?
I grabbed my earbud and put it back in my ear. But he took it out again.

,,What. In the world. Is your problem?!" I asked angrily.

,,Can I listen to the music with you?"

Is he serious?!



,,I said no."

,,What are you even listening to?" He asked and put the earbud in his ear. Is he for real now?

I paused the music immediately, not looking away from him. He looked at me as well.
I sighed and looked back at my phone again. You want to listen to some music? Fine. You will.

I was searching for my metal-music-playlist and decided to let Slipknot's Critical Darling play on the full volume. The guy gasped in shock and threw the earbud at me. I smirked knowing I won. He laughed.

,,You play dirty games here."

,,Doesn't seem to bother you enough to make you leave tho."

,,So Y/N, that's your name right?"

I looked at him without moving my head. Usually when I look at people like that, they think I'm angry and ready to kill them. The truth is tho that I'm just thinking. Well...mostly.

He has short, curly hair. Kind of big nose but honestly, it goes well with his face. His dark eyes are what catched my attention tho. I hate eye contact, but his eyes made me feel comfortable in a way. He seemed sad but there was a sparkle of hope that I didn't truly understand. I was still confused what was happening. But I had to admit he was right. If he would be a hallucination, he wouldn't be able to take my earbud. Or could he?
Is he a ghost or am I really going crazy?

,,Yes...your name is still unknown to me tho." I said not breaking the eye contact.

,,Chan. My name is Chan." He said with a little smile on his face, his voice full of hope.

Ghost love | Bang Chan FFWhere stories live. Discover now