Disaster follows us

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"Hey pep" Olivia says answering the call, "what's up?"

"I need your help" Pepper tells her.

"With what?" Olivia asks.

"It's Morgan" Pepper replies, "I don't know what's wrong with her."

"What's happened?" Olivia worriedly asks.

"She got home from summer school today and hasn't said a word" Pepper states.

"Summer school?" Olivia questions, "isn't she smart enough to pass?"

"Because she missed so much because of the blip she had to do three weeks in the summer" pepper responds.

"Put her on the phone" Olivia sighs, "she might talk to me."

"Okay" Olivia hears pepper walk up the stairs and knock on a door, "Morgan? Olivia's on the phone. Do you wanna talk to her?"

Olivia hears the door open, "Livy" Morgan says.

"Hey Morgs" Olivia smiles, "how's things?"

"Bad" Morgan sighs, "there's this girl at school who won't leave me alone."

"What do you mean?" Olivia asks.

"She just won't leave me alone" Morgan replies, "when I try to play with my friends she drags them away from me leaving me alone, today she poured water over my drawings and called me names."

"Don't worry about her Morgs" Olivia smiles, "she's just jealous of you. If she doesn't leave you alone tell her your sister will put her in the avengers bad books."

"Liv" Peter calls.

"Sorry Morgs I gotta go" Olivia tells her, "I promise to call soon, and if you need me tell mommy to call me. And promise me you'll tell mommy what's going on at school maybe she can help."

"I promise" Morgan says.

"I love you" Olivia tells her.

"I love you 3000 bye" Morgan smiles as she ends the call.

The group arrive in Prague and it looks awesome, there's some carnival going on and it looks like they're going to have a good night.

"Everyone get settled, rest up because tonight, big surprise, is Prague's annual Carnival of Lights" mr Harrington says.

Peter gets a phone call, he walks away from the group, "Hello?"

"Parker, it's Hill" Maria says, "There's an earpiece with you and Starks suits. Put them on and await further instructions. Understood?"

"Yes, ma'am" Peter smiles, ending the call, Olivia walks over to him, "hey."

"Who was that?" Olivia asks him.

"Hill" Peter answers, "there's earpieces with our suits. We need to out them on and wait for instructions."

"Seriously there's a carnival going on" Olivia whines.

"I know I hate it too" Peter sighs.

Ned walks over to the two superheroes, "Hey. Look, I am so sorry if I seem like I'm preoccupied with my relationship. I'm still your guy in the chair."

"No, it's all good" Peter tells him, "Don't worry about it."

"Okay" Ned sighs, "Great, great. So, what's the status on the Elemental thing? Where's it gonna happen?"

"Here in the city" Olivia tells him.

"We're here" Ned reminds them.

"We know" Peter sighs, "It's not good. We're figuring it out."

Falling, Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now