She knows

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Peter hurries up the stairs of the hotel and Ned embraces him in a hug, "Peter, oh, my God. Hey. Hey. We almost died."

"It's fine" Peter reassures him, "It's fine. Hey, I'm done with the mission."

"Dude, the trip's over" Ned tells him.

"What?" Peter asks.

"There's monsters coming out of the ground" Ned reminds him, "Of course our parents want us home."

"Please don't put me on hold, Peter, you're not dead" Mr Harrington sighs, pulling his head into a hug, "Oh, my God. Yes, good. Stay here. Don't die" he turns to Ned and notices he only has a robe on as he walks away, "Put some clothes on. We're booking flights."

"We came for science, we're leaving because of witches" Mr Dell states, "Welcome to the new Dark Ages."

"What is going on dude?" Peter asks.

"We're going home in the morning" Ned tells him.

"No, no. All the Elementals are gone" Peter states.

"Ned" betty calls.

"Coming, sweetie" Ned replies walking away from Peter.

"Hey, can you guys keep it down?" Flash says opening the door to his room, "I'm live-streaming."

"Hey" Mj says.

"Hey" Peter replies turning to face the girl.

"Where were you?" Mj asks.

"I got lost" Peter shrugs.

"We were worried about you" Mj tells him, "Good thing you're back. So much for Paris."

"It would've been fun" Peter says.

"Night" Mj says walking back into her room.

"Night" Peter responds, "You look ni-" Mj closes the door, Peter stands there for a moment thinking about what his next move should be, he takes a deep breath before walking over to Mj's door, he goes to knock but she opens it "Hey."

"Hey" Mj says in a confused tone.

"Look I'm not ready for this trip to be over yet" Peter tells her, "and I kind of want to do something fun that's not on the itinerary or planned or with Mr. Harrington."

"Yes" Mj agrees.

"Yes, like you wanna go?" Peter asks.

"Yes" Mj repeats.

"Awesome" Peter smiles, "I'll see you outside in 10 minutes."

"Meet me outside in five minutes" Mj tells him.

"Five is good" Peter says, "Okay, bye."

"Bye" Mj closes the door to her room and Peter makes his way to his room.

Peter stands in the lobby watching the news with him, Olivia and Beck on, Mj walks out of the elevator and walks over to him, "Hey. Where do you wanna go?"

"Who cares?" Mj shrugs.

"Awesome" Peter smiles, "Okay. Let's go" they walk out of the hotel in a awkward but cute fashion.

"I'm glad we're doing this" Peter tells her as they walk along a bridge.

"Yeah, me too" Mj repeats.

"To see the city a bit" Peter says.

"They used to execute people on this bridge" Mj states, "They would put them in a basket, and they would drown in the water. Sorry."

Falling, Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now