The real enemy

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Me and Strange have arrived at the place Wanda is living after the whole Westview situation. She's in a little cabin amongst fields of trees. 

She is currently cutting Flowers from the trees as me and strange approach from behind. "Apples, right?" Strange asks.

Wanda stops cutting and turns to Strange, then she notices me and smiles which leads me to smile too, "Eventually" she shrugs.

She passes Strange a branch and he sniffs the flowers, "Smells-"

"Sweet" Wanda answers while looking up from the ground.

"I was gonna say real" Strange chuckles awkwardly.

Wanda smiles and nods. "It's all very real. Thanks. I put the magic behind me."

"So we can see" I say looking around and gesturing our surroundings.

"Well, I knew sooner or later you'd show up" Wanda sighs, "wanting to discuss what happened at WestView. I made mistakes, and people were hurt."

"But you put things right in the end and that was never in doubt" I shrug while smiling. "We're not here to talk about WestView."

"Then what are you here for?" Wanda questions obviously a little surprised Strange isn't here to bother her about her family fantasy troubles.

"We need your help" strange tells her.

Wanda sighs taking the branch from strange. "With what?" Wanda asks.

"What do you know about the Multiverse?" I question as we all start to walk.

"The Multiverse" Wanda repeats. "Vis had his theories. He believed it was real. And, dangerous."

"Well, he was right about both" Strange tells her. "We found a girl who can somehow travel across it but she's being pursued."

"Pursed by who?" Wanda asks.

"Some kind of demon" Strange replies. "One that covets her power for itself. Now we've taken her to Kamar-Taj, and We've got our defenses, but We could use an Avenger."

"There are other Avengers" Wanda reminds him. "One is stood right next to you" she points to me.

"Yeah, but given a choice between the Archer with a mohawk, and several bug-themed crimefighters, a teenager who doesn't really understand herself" I shrug with a smile, a bunch of sheep run in front of us, "or One of the most powerful magic wielders on the planet, it's an easy call. Of course I'm still going to help out but with you on the team Wanda things will be a whole lot easier."

"Come to Kamar-Taj" Strange begs. "We'll get you back on the lunch box" strange chuckles.

Wanda thinks for a moment. "What if you brought America here?" Wait did we tell her Americas name?

"Here?" I question.

"Yeah. I know what it's like. To be on your own, hunted for abilities you never wanted" Wanda responds. Me and Strange stop walking, as we both figure out the truth. "I can protect her." Wanda turns to face us both, and sees the defeated look on both of our faces. "You never told me her name, did you?"

"No" I answer with a sigh. "No, we didn't." Honestly, I'm not surprised but I kinda wished Wanda was telling the truth earlier.

Wanda takes a breath. "You know, the Hex was the easy part. The lying, not so much." She raises her hand and reveals the reality of the dying red forest we were actually stood in. Wanda stands beside us in her scarlet witch outfit and the dark hold floating in front.

I look at her in disbelief and disappointment, the only person who could help us is our enemy. Strange looks around taking in the surroundings before noticing the book. "The Darkhold" i state. "That's always a great sign."

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