Old friends, New tricks

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The three of us reach a statue of a familiar looking Stephen Strange, which is placed outside a building that looks exactly like the sanctum sanctorum. "Dr. Stephen Strange Gave his life defeating Thanos. We express eternal gratitude to earths mightiest hero" I read from the plaque that's on the front of Stranges statue.

"Yeah, see" Strange smiles proudly looking at America. "We're not all bad." Obviously making a joke about the first Strange she met.

"If other you's dead" America starts. "Who's master of the Sanctum?"

As if almost on cue a rattle comes from behind that statue, me and strange both walk from behind that statue to get a better look at what's causing the noise. "Oh, shit." Strange mutters as we both see a man stood in the doorway of the Sanctum. He and strange have a mini staring contest giving each other death glares from across the street.

"You know him?" I question. Obviously this guy is a variant of someone from our universe that Strange doesn't have a good relationship with. Another demon from the man's past. Let's really hope Thanos doesn't show up for a tea party any time soon.

"Yeah. Mordo" Strange tells me. "He's actually the first guy who let me into Kamar-Taj."

"Oh, great" America hopefully smiles at the man.

"And then he snapped and dedicated his life trying to kill me" Strange adds in a cheerful tone. Just making an educated guess that this guy is now dead in our universe.

"Oh" I sigh. "Great. Do you think this universe you got on with him?" I really hope he did so this guy doesn't try to kill is.

Mordo starts to walk down the stairs in front of the sanctum and towards us, "I always suspected this day would come."

"You did?" Strange questions in a very sassy Stephen way, doing a little head tilt.

"Yes" Mordo responds, coming even closer to the three of us. "Because you always suspected this day would come" he stops when he's around two steps away from strange and the two of them and staring into the others eyes. Strange glances at his statue and then back at the man in front of him. I put up a more defensive position just I case this guy attacks. America notices my change in posture and changes her position too. A smile breaks onto Mordo's face "My brother."

They both chuckle and Mordo pulls strange into a hug, strange awkwardly embraces the hug and puts his arm around the other man, tapping his shoulder. "Does this give you a weird feeling or is it just me?" I whisper to America leaning closer to her.

"Come" Mordo smiles. "And tell me everything about your universe" Mordo begins to walk away. Strange turns back to me and America with a confused look.

Strange turns back to Mordo, "We go on red." Strange starts to walk towards the sanctum. Me and America give each other a hesitant look but then we follow behind the sorcerer.

"You're quite formidable too, it seems" Mordo says looking at America, "A multiversal traveler. But thank the stars you brought Doctor Strange to safety."

"Well, just 'cause we jumped ship, doesn't mean we're safe" i state taking sip of tea from the cup that was placed in front of me and leaning back in the arm chair. "Our Wanda has the ability to conjure demons and monsters to attack America, in other universes."

"So she has the Darkhold?" Mordo questions leaning forward and looking between me and Stephen.

"Oh, you know of the Darkhold?" Strange questions also leaning forward to a similar position to Mordo.

"Oh, yes" Mordo responds. "We have a Darkhold in this universe, too. I got it here in this Sanctum. We would never risk a weapon that dangerous falling into the wrong hands."

"Damn right" I scoff. I just want to know just how dangerous this book can be, how bad can Wanda go?

"If your Darkhold is anything like ours, I'm afraid she can do far worse than just summon monsters to come after you" Mordo explains to us.

"What do you mean?" America asks taking a sip from her cup.

"There is a spell contained within those pages" Mordo begins to explain while looking between the three of us. "Corrosive to the soul." As if he's summoning a demon the flames of the candles around us burn out and a cold breeze comes through the building. "A desecration of reality itself. Dreamwalking. A dreamwalking sorcerer projects their own consciousness from their universe into another. Possessing the body of an alternate self. Playing puppeteer, this unholy doppelganger, and pursue their enemies from afar. The possession is not a permanent link between realities, but in the fleeting time they dreamwalk, they can do irreparable damage to the universe they invade. So it may not be a demon that you face. It may be, the Scarlet Witch."

"But, why didn't she do that to begin with?" I ask. "Why didn't she just show up in the universe America was in before ours? Why did she wait until she was in our universe?"

"Because that was her being reasonable" Strange sighs as he remembers the conversation we had at Wandas fake forest. He turns to Mordo, "What do you know of the Book of Vishanti?"

"The Darkhold's antithesis" Mordo smiles. "It can give a sorcerer whatever power they need to vanquish their enemy." Okay I've come to a decision we NEED this book, like right now.

Strange goes to stand up to leave, I quickly follow but I feel my head go all dizzy like I'm about to pass out. I fall back into the chair I was previously sat in and stare up at Mordo.

"I'm sorry." Mordo says looking directly at Strange. "But I hope you, of all people, understand. That it is not Wanda Maximoff who threatens our reality. It's the three of you."

"What was in that tea?" America questions her voice slurred. America passes out in the arm chair she was sat in.

"You son of a bitch" Strange grunts as he stumbles back causing him to drop his cup. He holds onto the back of my chair but falls onto the floor and is faced with a green glass container. "Sands of Nisanti."

"I only acted, as you would" Mordo smirks.

I hold onto the arm rest of my chair and stand up behind Mordo as he stares down at the passed out Strange. Both of my hands turn pink as I prepare a blast, "so let's get right to the point" I smile proudly as I try to avoid the ache growing in my head, Mordo turns around the face me, his face dropping with horror. "You don't hurt my friends."

"Oh come on" he chuckles walking closer to me, "you're just a kid. What are you seventeen?"

"Nineteen" I correct.

"Nineteen then" mordo chuckles. "You're probably the same as you're friend. You know you have these abilities but you don't understand how they work."

"I know fully well how they work" I tell him giving him a death glare, "I've been stuck like this since I've been twelve I've had a lot of practice."

"Not enough" Mordo smirks. Moments after I feel a sharp pain in my stomach, I look down and see him pulling out a knife. I hold my stomach where blood is coming out of pouring over my fingers. I stare at him before passing out and hitting the ground.

He's won.

Falling, Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now