The girl you were then

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I take the fist swing by hitting Wanda straight in the jaw. She holds onto her jaw before her face holds a grin that makes me nervous. "You've got it coming stark."

I take a few steps back to prepare for my next attack. I wrap a beam around one of the stone beams holding up the cave and use all my strength to pull it down with me. The beam begins to fall onto Wanda but without turning back she raises her left hand and overpowers me and raises the beam back into its original position.

She fires at me causing me to go back first into the opposite wall. I slide down the wall and groan once I hit the ground. I push myself up to stand and stretch my back before vaulting across the room so I'm stood in front of Wanda.

I punch her across the face again. She staggers back and I use it as my opportunity to hit her again. I punch her straight in the nose and feel the bone break under my knuckles.

Once I remove my hand off Wandas nose blood is rushing down her face. Wanda chuckles darkly before grabbing me by the throat and holding me in the air. "Big mistake Stark."

Her grip around my neck tightens as I try to wriggle out of her grasp. Wanda smirks darkly as I begin to feel my air getting limited.

From the corner of my eye I notice Wandas hand beginning to glow blood red. I close my eyes to come up with a plan when Wanda drops me.

I use this as an opportunity and send a blast in Wandas direction but she doesn't budge. I start again but this time Wanda catches my power and sends it back at me causing me to go flying across the cave nearly falling off the ledge.

"You don't want to do this Stark" Wanda smiles darkly as she slowly walks towards me.

"You're right I don't" I grunt as I stand up, "but it's what I have to do." I send another blast at her but she grabs me by the waist and throws me across the cave causing me to smack my head against the stone.

I try to stand but Wanda holds me in the air and throws my back against the wall again but this time she doesn't let me fall. Two red handcuffs emerge from the walls and grip around both of my wrists. Wanda removes me from her grasp but keeps me suspended in the air.

I attempt to shoot a beam at her but once it hits her it fades away. "Don't try that Stark" Wanda smirks with a dark chuckle. "If you continue doing that you'll be left powerless in ten minutes. Every time you use your power while in those chains I gain that power." Shit. If I use my power Wanda gets stronger. Wanda tilts her head as she stares at me. "Lost for words?"

"Screw you Wanda!" I grunt. Wanda raises her hand and sends her magic around my neck trying to choke me.

"I'm not going to kill you Olivia" she shrugs with a fake smile. "I'm going to let you kill yourself."

"Not going to happen" I smirk weakly as I send a blast towards Wanda. This one takes effect sending her opposite me. I send another blast. Wanda hits the wall again, this time gasping for air from whiplash. However, I feel drained and weak.

Like a saviour, high pitched screams echo from the mountains. Wanda's demon-like guards stand closer to the ledge to observe the incoming attack. A figure is flying directly towards us.

One of Wanda's demons mimic her powers and prepares to send a blast at the figure. However a orange string pierces the demon in the mouth dragging it over the ledge to fall. The three remaining demons peep over the edge to see the attacker, "Come on!" That reveals to me that Wong is holding onto the ledge.

The Demon that is stood on the end picks up a broken piece of stone from me and Wanda's fight and throws it down. Wongs screams echo but I don't think he's fallen as the middle demon drops another piece of stone.

Falling, Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now