Revenge Plan

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Klaus's P.O.V.

We materialised in a mansion I haven't seen before. Each room's door hard curses carved into them and blood smears all over. The doors were as black as obsidian, blending in with the walls, so you couldn't tell where one room started and the next ended. Jade had a firm grip on my hand as we walked side by side whilst Marcellus was being dragged around by our most loyal, Aamon.

She pushed open a door and in a flash, Marcel was tied up with invisible vervain binds. Marcel should've known better. Known that collaborating with my father would have consequences. I watched Jade pace the room anf then she stopped and her face looked as if a lightbulb had switched on in her brain. She snapped her fingers and suddenly two portals appeared with Davina and Joshua being pushed through.

Both were confused at first. When Davina saw me, her expression changed to one of disgust instantly. Jade sped over to Davina and in a flash, she sliced a deep gash into Davina's arm making her scream and bleed out. My fangs began to push put of my gums at the scent. Marcel screamed but the sound was muffled by the vervain soaked cloth in his mouth.

My vengeful wife then transformed into her wolf and bit into Joshua's neck, leaving a rather large wound behind. Marcel struggled further but to no avail. "Look what you made me do, Marcellus!" Jade exclaimed, standing in front of him. She then tied Joshua with vervain ropes and dragged Davina into the centre if the room. "You see her as your daughter so she will pay part of the price for your crime" my love told Marcel. She turned back to her 'human' form and proceeded to march over to me.

"Help me out will you, handsome?" She questioned gazing deeply into my eyes, so that I was unable to say no. "Of course darling, what do you need me to do?" I asked. "I want you to tie her down with the chains from Kol's dark objects box upstairs in my room. Then you will watch as I show you something you've never seen before" she replied, her eyes shining with excitement. "What will you show me?" "Oh, you're so impatient Nik! But since I love you I'll tell you. Blood magic!"

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