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Sal was unsure if this date was a good idea, Travis seemed pale after all the rollercoaster they were on.  The good at the rollercoaster park wasn't that good. And it was hot out.

"Are you alright?" Sal asked laughing at the sickly green blonde.

"I'm peachy" he says crouching to the floor, trying to hold his vomit down.

"Do you wanna go back home now?" Sal asked his laugh soft.

"No, but..." Travis stands back up taking hold of sal's hips and pulling him closer to eachother.

"We could head to a Hotel and have a fun night." Travis said swaying them side to side successfully riding himself of the nausea

"Willow is probably waiting for us at home" "I've already talked to ash she's making sure willow is asleep by seven,"

"And you were so sure this plan would work out why?" Sal says cocking his head to the side.

"Just had a feeling it would." Sal smiled behind his prosthetic and wrapped his arms around Travis neck. "It better not be a cheep hotel." Sal mumbled. That gave Travis the giddys, waddling him and sal to the car. They both straped in, and they were off to the hotel. Checking in was only a problem for Travis, he was excited but trying to concele the excitement but nothing could stop the happy feet.

Sal smiled to himself. Placing his hands in his pockets waiting for his overjoyed lover to pull him to the room.

Sal smiled when they got into the room. It was a fancy room, a bed tv and fancy jacuzzi, he didn't have to spend that much money sal snickerd walking over to where Travis was jumping to get his pants off but failed and fell.

"Slow down please your gonna hurt yourself" sal laughed. "Bed now." "What if I wanna do it in the shower rude." Then to the shower we go,"  "I'm joking. But can we not rush into the sex? And slow down a bit please."  Travis stood up walking over to the middle of the room where sal stood. "Of course we can. I'm sorry for rushing." Travis said. "No it's alright I just want to have a relaxing night for a moment." Travis let the frown on his face fall and replaced it with a smile. Travis walked over to the jacuzzi and started the warm bath adding what ever bubbles the hotel provided. Grabbing towels and soaps.

Sal smiled softly as he watched his crazd lover run around like he lost his head.

Sal went to sit on the bed, and lay with his feet dangling off the end of the luxury bed.

Sal closed his eyes inhaling deep while the sound of the bath filled the room. And the smell of.... Lavender? Sal moved his head as the bed dipped next to him.  "Ready?" Travis said leaning over sal.

"Always" Travis grabbed sal's hands and pulls him to his feet sal slowly undressed as Travis did the same stepping into the water both instantly dropping to the bathtub floor. Travis had used the detachable shower head on the side of the bath to wet sal's hair as the younger male laid back on him. Travis was taking this serious he did not want to mess this up for sal. And sal knew that.

It made him enjoy the bathing session more. The smell of the lavender bath bubbles and the now freshly squeezed hair soap on his head smelt amazing. Sal was definitely taking this home with him. Travis worked his fingers through sal's hair making sure to get the scalp good. Once he was done he felt it was time to rinse so grabbing the shower head Travis rinsed his hair. Just to put more soap back into it. Made no absolute sense to travis. But he still did it. Liking the way it made his boyfriends hair feel.

Sal was I heaven but the longer They stayed in the bath the faster it got cold. "I'm cold" sal said pulling his knees up to himself huddling into Travis more. Travis rinsed them of on last time before they stepped out of thee tub almost slipping on the tile. Sal was first to make it back to the bed fully clothed unbotherd by Travis changing practically Infront of him. Once Travis got back into bed sal made himself comfortable up against Travis making no hesitation to move away for the blonde.

"Sal was able to give Travis a "thank you" kiss for the jacuzzi bath and Travis was more than happy to accept it. But was never to afraid to ask for more than what he was given. Turning the small innocent kiss into a heavy make out session. Sal was glad to give the blonde male what his was asking for. But sal like he said wanted to have a slow day. So when Travis would ask for anything more than a kiss sal would deny him anything more.

"I hate you." Travis said as sal cought Travis's lip in his teeth.

"I love you more"

(This is not how I wanted this chapter but fuck it I disappointed you all so many times what's one more?)

Once family always family  (salXtravis) Continueing But Under EditingWhere stories live. Discover now