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"Hey sweet pea it's time for school."I hear my dad say "no I don't wanna it's going to school." I say stuffing my face more into my pillow  "Come on you'll make some good friends." "I have all the friends i need." "You can't only have one friend." "Can too." "Fine I'll tell omia and zayden that you're not going then they'll wanna stay and they'll annoy you all day."

My dad says as he closed my room door. I sigh and thrash around on my bed siting up and bite at my blanket. Letting out a huff I get up I go over to my window and touch the glass to see if it's cold. "Just chilly." I say going over to my closet I open the door and grab a crop top and a plaid t'shirt with overalls and knee high shoes. I put my clothes on my desk chair and run to mine and omias bathroom. Taking a long shower so I can wake up and wash all of my hair. Because having long hair has its downs I ran out of shampoo so I use sissy's she won't mind right. I hop out of the shower and wrap a towel around myself and get out running back in to my room. Making sure I'm dry I get dressed and go out to the dining room with a brush so my dad can do my hair. "Daddy, can you do my hair please."

I say running down the steps all the way to the second floor. "Yes sweet pea." About three minutes I hear the shower go off "REALLY WILLOW WHY THE HELL DON'T YOU USE YOUR OWN SHAMPOO AND CONDITIONER!" I hear omia yell from the bathroom. I just laugh. "Stop using your sisters stuff you both have your own things." Daddy lightly slaps the back of my head and continued to do my hair.

"Yeah willow listen to dad." "No one asked you zayden." I say sticking out my tongue he dose it back. "Stop, you guys don't need the negative energy especially on you're first day high school." "Ugh don't remind me." Zayden says. "Da can you do my hair too." Omia says coming down the stairs." "Of course chicken." "Wait you're turn brat." "Shut you're trap shitface." "What did dad just say you dipshits." Zayden says to the both of us and dad just giggles. "Okay all of you guys calm down.

Remember your father is picking you up from school and Will bring you guys back next week." "Okay." We all say. My dad finished my hair and I run back up to my room and grab my phone and backpack. "Hey will can you grab my stuff to." Zayden says "me three." Omia adds in. "Yeah" I go to my brothers room and grab his eye patch and his phone and backpack. Closing his door gizmo darts past me and down the stairs along with his little family as well." Going into omias room I grab her phone backpack and a jacket she has sensitive skin and she'll freeze to death if she doesn't have a jacket. "Sweet pea grab my phone would you!"

Dad calls out. I go to his room pushing open the door and turning on the light I grab his phone next to his prosthetic. Turning around I step on something. Picking it up I look at what it is. It a picture of daddy and papa. But younger looking back on the floor there is a lot more pictures with uncle Larry auntie ash uncle Nile and Todd. But one that cought my eye was one with me daddy and papa. I was siting on daddys lap and papa was looking at me and daddy with a goofy smile on his face. I smile and  take a good picture of the picture so I can have a copy and put it back on the ground." Papa and daddy never got married after what happend to papa daddy said it didn't bother him but for years I would hear his crying. It's heart braking.

I know daddy misses him but he's scared to get turned down.  but you see thats where the kids come into play I will get my dads back together, I miss how it was with just one big family. I know my two older siblings do. Oh you haven't gotten the full back story. Well hi I'm willow lia Fisher phelps and I have two dads and from what I've herd they were in deep love but all because my dad got into a car crash and didn't remember my daddy that they never got together yeah kinda stupid I know.  My papa has this new wife and she doesn't like us at all but she better or her place will be taken back by daddy." She's a bad cook and a bad liar. She is pretty though. When she's out at night you can hear pa cry.....but I don't think is over her. Grandma river hates the girl my papas with but she doesn't say anything. When grandma river comes to daddy's house she always says how she missed seeing the way daddy and papa were and how much they made her laugh. Grandpa would always give her rude looks when she talked about daddy's and papa relationship. Auntie ash and uncle Larry have two kids ally and Alex I get good money when I baby sit for them. It's always funny to hear how dad was in high school. When family events come around we all get together as a big family but dad and pa don't talk. They haven't for six years they just give each other looks here and there. But that will soon change. "Will we're gonna be late come on!" "Oh right......COMING!" I say rushing down the stairs giving dad a kiss on his cheek handing him his phone. "Bye daddy."

I yell out to him and rush out side with the backpacks and phones making sure not to drop them "TELL MRS. PACKERTON I SAID HI." My dad yells at us. "Okay I yelled back." "Hurry up slow pokes." I yell in front of my two slow siblings. "Will sto- omia didn't have time to finish her sentence as I run into some one. "I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry." Looking up I see someone I hope I never had to see again JOHN CALSON. Oh boy. "Watch where you're going Fisher." John hissed. My sister helps me up and we just walk past him and sit under a tree waiting for the bus to come. "Oh what's that?" Omia asks pointing to my phone case."I made it three days ago." "And I'm just now seeing it?" "It had to dry." "Can you make me on sissy?" "Yeah just when we get back to daddy's I have my stuff there." "Yes!" She says clapping her hands together. "Hey bubble heads bus is here."

Zayden says getting our attention, we all sit together and make are way to school. "Okay no that's not how it was said." "Yes it was! zay zay tell her!" I say. "You're both wrong it was pronounced sharper. With more of a roll of the tongue.But omia was closer." "Oh your just picking favorites." I say crossing my arms and giving a fake pout. "Oh, I love you too sissy." He says giving me a tight hug. "Okay okay ,stop I love you too." I say as we walk-in to class. "Lookee what we have here the freaks with two dads." John Calson says "You know what ass hat yeah we have two dads at least both of our parents love us." Omia says "oh yeah, well at least I'm not adopted." "At least we were Wanted." I say "and planed, now leave us alone." Zayden says. "Oooo so scared." John says walking up to me and gets in my face. "Back up out of her face man." Zayden says warning him. "Oh what are you going to do about it." He says to Zayden before He pushed me back and I hit myself on a desk. Before he can do anything else Zayden has him pined to the floor and beating the shit out of him." "DON'T YOU EVER LAY YOUR HANDS ON MY BABY SISTER AGAIN!" Was all he yelled while me and omia and some other people tried to pull him off of John and successes right before the teacher walks in. "I'm guessing your a phelps." Was what the male teacher said. Until he sent Zayden and John to the principles office.

(Ah yes first chapter of the new book hope you liked it I hope this one dose good. Leave a vote and a comment and don't forget Wish love peace my dudes.)

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