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Travis's POV
As I send my kids off to bed with full stomachs of food i tuck in my two girls then say good night to them I leave Zayden to be he always gets mad when I do so I just skip him. Making my way into the room hoping into bed seeing my wife on her side of the bed I get in on my side of the bed to get some sleep just for the covers to be pulled from me rolling over on my side I see a picture frame faded downwards grabbing the frame I studied it looking at. "Why dose he where the mask?" I ask myself and I guess that I said it a little to loud because Bianka told me to "shut up". Looking over to where she slept it felt wrong that she was in that spot. Yeah,she's my wife and I love her? I'm not so sure it was different when we met. She was nice and loving she was there when I needed someone but that all changed soon after. My dad seems happy that I have a wife. I bring my hand up to my face to see my wedding ring and just like everything else it feels like it's not mine like it's ment for Someone else. today was the first day I've talked to sal In  what Five or six years? It felt nice to talk to him. I didn't mean to be so mean when we had our fight. I decided that I won't get any sleep tonight because I'm over thinking everything I get up and make my way in to the kitchen I grab myself a beer and head to the dining room. Seeing more pictures around my house all with sal in them and a smile always on my face grabbing a picture of me sal willow Zayden and omia, I don't remember taking it so it must have been taken before my accident. Looking at the picture seeing that we're all there all the kids were so small and once again there was a smile on my face, going even deeper into my thoughts I remember why we had the fight in the first place.
"Ah my boy it so good too see you out of the hospital," "I'm guessing you're my parents?" I say to a older female and male. "Yes, do you really not remember?" The woman asks, "not much I wanna told that this one here was my lover I'm sorry that I don't remember you all." I say locking eyes with the man who I remember to be sal. "Thank you guys so much for dropping bye to visit him but the doctor said that he needs rest and s quiet plays to rest if you don't mind?" "Oh no, of course sweetie," "oh come on what harm will be done if I wanna hang out with my boy who just got out of the hospital."my dad says "We-"sal starts off "you don't need to try and rush us of now after all he's our son we barely get to see him thanks to you as it is." My dad says "you kept me away from my parents." "Wha-no I didn't." "Yeah he never let us come over because you guys were always busy' he always had an excuse." My dad says and for some reasons that got my blood boiling. "Okay. Okay. Okay hold on you kept me away from my parents because 'we were busy' I don't remember anything about these past three years but I know that I don't wanna be with somebody like that!" I say shouting at sal I couldn't see his face but I nee I broke something in him with out a word he goes I'm stairs and into a room. "Okay travis we do have to go, it's been good seeing you guys again." Mom says giving me a hug I hug back and tell them bye. Once the door closes I stop my way up the stairs and Make my way to the room sal did, "what the hell is wrong with you, I don't know you I'm not even sure if you actually were even my 'lover'. NO LOVER KEEPS THEIR FAMLY AWAY FROM THEM." "I never once told them that you were to busy to see them. I never keep you away from them if that's what you choose to believe then so be it." "Yeah so be it." Seeing something catch my eye I look down and it's a ring walking over to a dresser I see a jewelry box slamming the ring on two the dresses I cover it with the box and look at the male. "I have NO IDEA WHO YOU ARE BUT I DON'T WANT ZUIU IN MY LIFE!" I yell at him. "Please stop yelling you're going to hire you're head and then get a mine grained. "Don't tell me what to do you are nothing to me." I spit the venomous words at him stomping my way out the bed room and into the kitchen then to the back yard. I see small three small children and I guess they saw me because they all ran over to me. "PAPA!" My head starts pounding and I hear sal speak from a far. "You guys be careful he just got out of the hospital." He says in a calm voice. "I THOUGHT I SAID I DON'T NEED YOU IN MY LIFE DAMNIT." I yell getting up and rushing back inside. And into my room.
*•*•*•END OF FLASHBACK•*•*•*
Finishing off my beer I grab myself another one sitting back down in the same spot. "I hope you don't plan on drinking too many of those." I look up seeing my son by the doorframe. "Oh hey Zayden." "What's up pops." Zayden says coming over to a chair by me siting down and throwing his legs on the table. "Why are you awake so early?" He asks me, "just thinking." I say looking back at the picture. "About?" He says "nothing to important,how come you're up so early?" I turn the question on to him. "I always get up this early." "Why?" "To make breakfast for my sisters and you and that dummy that nobody likes." "Be nice to her please," "why should I be nice to someone that doesn't give a fuck about me or my sisters." "She's just not ready to be a parent. And I thought she made breakfast every morning?" "I'm sorry but if you MARRY SOMEONE WHO HAS KIDS YOU BETTER BE READY TO HELP OUT WITH THERE KIDS! You can just decided oh 'I don't wanna be a mom' you marry someone with kids you gods be prepared to help. If she doesn't then she should have marry someone without kids,and no I make breakfast she can't cook." "She can too," I defend "pa be real hear has she ever cooked for you." "Yes." "What." "Many things?" "Like?" "Like the kind you eat" "ugh. Pa you're- ugh never mind, what do you want for breakfast?" Zayden asks making his way in to the kitchen.

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