最後です (Saigo desu) ft. Saigomo

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The time has come to end this curse.

After being given the blessed of blade of his great grandfather Kusonoki, he was ready to stop the witch. The sky was engulfed with darkness, rain fell and he could hear the suffering of his ancestors. They were all transformed into monstrous beings and roamed her dimension as the witch's puppets. With the blessed blade in hand Yasu kept walking forwards. At the end of the corridor of cobwebs, he saw a giant web. All the ancestors all trapped and blanketed in string, their use was over and now they were to rot as her puppets in this endless nightmare. Yasu was alone here but the determination and will of his fallen ancestors gave him more willpower, the blessed blade glowed. Yasu nodded "Yes, I can do this!" A red door emerged from the depths; you could hear the maniacal laughter of a beast. Kintoru, one of the four beasts that once rampaged across the Earth was now cornered. Her plan to have Kusunoki kill Yasu has failed, she had no choice left but to use all the power she had against him. Yasu entered the red door; he has arrived in Kintoru's final lair.

7 hearts kept the witch alive, all of them he must destroy.

The witch's laughter was heard in the distance. Yasu quickly ran and hid in a cabinet, he could hear Kintoru. She took the form of a giant spider that crawled on the ceiling, he couldn't see her properly see her face but all he saw was a vicious smile. Yasu eventually came across something that looked like a heart. "This must be the witch's heart", he thought and he slashed it multiple times with the blade. The witch screamed in pain. The heart was sliced, black blood dropped from it. The blood had some sort of aura to it, the blood of a being with uncontrollable cruelty. Nothing but a beast.

Yasu then heard more hearts beating. "There's more than one heart?" Yasu thought to himself as he carefully traversed through the halls of Kintoru's lair. As the hearts were slashed Kintoru was driven more and more into madness. 3 hearts were slashed, the witch laughed and laughed. Her patience has run out, her mind was blinded by madness. "I must kill him" "I must kill him" "I must kill him" "I must kill him" "I WILL KILL HIM" she screamed as she went into a phase of frenzy. Yasu just watched as kintoru's mindset reverted to that of a beast. Her eyes glowed white and her face displayed a twisted smile. Kintoru laughed and laughed out of madness. Her vicious laughs echoed across the halls of her lair. Yasu kept destroying all the hearts without being caught until the last heart. Yasu slashed his blade against the last heart, he then heard heavy footsteps. Yasu turned around to find the giant spider crawling on the ceiling, Kintoru had found him. Yasu knew he had to do something fast or he would die, the spider rushed towards him and he hit her eyes with the blade. The spider stopped for a moment as black blood flowed from her eyes. Yasu then quickly slashed the last heart until it was broken. Kintoru screamed in pain as she fell onto the ground and fainted. Hands emerged from the depths and dragged her down, as her mind could only think of her defeat. She then thought of all her puppets.

"I'll be damned if I seal you with me but you will never get control of my daughter"

"Do.. Do you know where my father is...?

"I wish to be free with my daughter Kuriko, for she cannot last long without me"

"Her name was Hana. Will you really help me?"

"If only I could muster the courage to start conversations with people"

"I feel light.. and happy..."

"Shh, It'll be okay my little Hana... it'll be okay. Focus on my humming."

"I want to be normal so my daughter can have a normal life"

"Aren't you lonely out here?"

"What a useless tool"

That was all she heard as she was dragged down.

The witch was defeated at last.

Yasu faded from the twisted pocket dimension.

He woke up, to find everything is back to normal.

Everything seemed to be a dream.

Everything was back to normal, at least for now..

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