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In this section Whitefoot has become an elder due to his old age and his blindness.  Blackfoot is now Blackstar, leader of ShadowClan. Firestar has come back from his journey to fix SkyClan and has two new kits. Whitefoot lives his life out as an elder, listening to the new arrival of twolegs in their territory who are taking the trees with giant monsters. I would also like to say that I am sorry for so much back and forth dialogue, seeing as Whitefoot is blind now I have had a few issues writing him properly to suit his vivid personality. Anyways, I hope you enjoy the LAST part of Tinyclaw's New Path. I will be adding onto the main story with short stories based around Whitefoot's world, so stay aware if you want to know more about Whitefoot's life and what you didn't get to see. Now, onto the story you go.

Chapter 36: Monsters

Whitefoot had begun to get used to his life as an elder, he had been an elder for almost 12 moons now. He could feel his age dragging on him every day, but he was happy to have his friends Goldenflower, Frostfur, Longtail, and Mousefur at his sides in the elders' den along with other elders too. This morning he woke up peacefully in his nest, not a day went by though that he regretted not having Brindleface waking up next to him. He pushed himself up weakly, sniffing to find the exist of the den, he walked in a stumbled pattern. He smelled around for the fresh kill pile, quickly finding the scent of blood he padded over until he felt the fur of a squirrel touch his paws. He reached down to pick up the prey and headed instinctively to the spot where he, Lionheart, and Whitestorm used to sit and eat. Now a days he sat there alone, as the clan was short on prey due to the twolegs the warriors were all out hunting and the elders were always busy. Since he hadn't mastered being blind yet there wasn't much for him to do but practice his hearing and smelling abilities so he could at least walk in a straight line.

Whitefoot had been more grumpy these days, not being able to hunt, fight, and see really got to him. He listened to the sounds of the trees whistling, he smiled remembering the time he had fallen out of the tree and Brindleface had given him an earful for jumping right off of a tree after a squirrel. Whitefoot was pulled out of his thoughts when he felt a fluffy round thing bump into his side, he sniffed the air and looked towards the thing that hit him, "Squirrelpaw?" he asked.

Squirrelpaw took a step back, her voice sounded guilty, "Sorry, Whitefoot, I didn't mean to," she said, he could hear her shuffling her paws anxiously, "I was playing with Shrewpaw. You're not going to tell Firestar are you?"

Whitefoot frowned, he didn't want to get her in trouble, "No, I guess you're lucky I am in a good mood for the first time in a long time," he sighed.

Squirrelpaw layed down next to Whitefoot, he could feel her drooling on his paw, "Are you going to finish that squirrel?" she asked, he heard her tongue go over her lips.

Whitefoot laughed, "Go ahead, you must be exhausted from all the hunting you've done,"

Squirrelpaw didn't waste a second before reaching down and taking the squirrel, "Mhm, I was out with Brambleclaw and Ashfur today and we saw a badger!" she exclaimed.

Whitefoot felt concerned for his son's safety, "Is Ashfur okay?" he asked urgently.

Squirrelpaw laughed, "Yep! He managed to hide in a bush while Brambleclaw and I hid in a tree," she explained with her mouth full, "Ashfur only got a scratch from the bush,"

Whitefoot sighed in relief, he was happy that his son was safe. He heard small foot steps come towards him, he could smell his daughter's son, Shrewpaw approach, "Hi Whitefoot," he said, quickly adding, "It's me, Shrewpaw," he said after he realised Whitefoot couldn't see him.

Whitefoot smiled, he had no clue if he was even looking at the young tom, "How are you today, Shrewpaw?" he asked.

Shrewpaw layed down on the other side of Whitefoot, "Good, mama told me to tell you she wants to take you on a walk today,"

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