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This part of Tinyclaw's life takes part many moons after Fireheart becomes a warrior, Spottedleaf is dead, and Yellowfang and Cinderpelt are the new medicine cats, Lionheart and Rosetail have died and Tigerclaw is deputy, Graystripe is about to leave with his kits.

Chapter 15: Tigerclaw!

Tinyclaw hissed at a brown tabby, "We took care of you, Brokentail!" Tinyclaw took a swipe at the blind warrior.

"You seem to forget you only have one, petty life, scum" Brokentail growled back, not noting the scratch Tinyclaw had inflicted.

Tinyclaw heard a yowl from behind him, "I will take care of him! Bluestar needs help!" Tinyclaw had barely a second before he saw Yellowfang go flying past him as she attacked Brokentail. Tinyclaw shot away and pelted toward Bluestar's den, he saw Fireheart heading there too.

"What's happening Fireheart?" Tinyclaw had ran over to the ginger warrior.

"Tigerclaw did this!" Fireheart hissed quickly, "He planned this!"

Tinyclaw felt a pang of betrayal, "So we were right?" Tinyclaw felt his heart sink, "Tigerclaw killed Redtail?"

Fireheart nodded quickly before they burst through the lichen in Bluestar's den, Tigerclaw had Bluestar cornered and was ready to attack, "Traitor!" Fireheart hissed as he blocked Tigerclaw's attack from Bluestar using his own body as a shield.

Tinyclaw rushed over to Bluestar, "Are you okay?" he asked, licking behind her ear.

"F-Fireheart was right?" Bluestar stammered in shock. Tinyclaw never responded, he simply nodded.

"Tinyclaw!" Fireheart shouted, "Help me hold this traitor down!" Tinyclaw turned around and rushed over to help pin Tigerclaw down.

Tinyclaw brought his paw up to hurt Tigerclaw and then slashed the Traitor's chest, "I trusted you!" he hissed.

"You trust every cat." Tigerclaw growled.

Tinyclaw turned to see Bluestar heading over to help, her eyes looked dead. As soon as Bluestar had hold of the dark warrior, Fireheart rushed off to the battle again, best him than an old cat like Bluestar or I, Tinyclaw thought.

Tinyclaw began staring down at Tigerclaw, remembering all the good times they had, like when they were apprentices and they put a stink bug in Thrushpelt's nest to get back at him for making them clean the dirt out of the camp. Tinyclaw shook his head in disbelief, "Why?" he asked.

"Because this old, boney she-cat would never die!" Tigerclaw hissed, glaring at Bluestar, "At the rate we were going at, I would never be leader!"

Tinyclaw looked up at Bluestar, her face was twitching, this was the first time she had ever given up on being strong, she was breaking down, and for the first time Tinyclaw felt like ThunderClan was hopeless.

Tinyclaw heard a tom's voice, "Tinyclaw,  you can go now, I will deal with him." Tinyclaw turned around to see Graystripe running over to pin Tigerclaw down.

"Thanks." Tinyclaw muttered and dashed out of Bluestar's den.

He saw a white and black warrior dashing out of the nursery with two gray kits in his jaws. That's my kits!

"Ashkit!  Fernkit!" Tinyclaw yowled as he pelted across camp. Tinyclaw had been angry before, but there was nothing on StarClan's green grounds that could anger him more than a cat hurting his kits.

"Blackfoot!" Tinyclaw heard Brindleface's voice shake as he saw her dash after the white and black warrior, "Stop!"

Tinyclaw watching in horror as another warrior attacked Brindleface at the flank, he dashed over to help her, but then he saw a flash of fire colored fur, Fireheart!

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