Live and Love

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Description: In this section it shows Tinyclaw sharing the mentoring of Firepaw. He also finds a love interest.

Chapter 10: Big, Warm Giant

Tinyclaw woke up very warm in the morning, though his nose was chilly, I should tell Spottedleaf,  I might be sick.

He turned his head up to see that Tigerclaw had wrapped himself around him. Tinyclaw felt his fur bristle, why in StarClan had Tigerclaw done that? Tinyclaw hissed and scratched Tigerclaw's paw lightly. Tigerclaw shot up with his eyes wide open and his claws out, Hm, that'll show him for treating me like a kit!

Tigerclaw calmed down when he realized the only danger was a very grumpy Tinyclaw.

"Oh! Thank StarClan, it's just you," Tigerclaw purred.

Tinyclaw hissed and growled, "What are you doing? You're treating me like a kit!"

Tinyclaw snapped his head over to see Darkstripe snickering, "You're the same size as one!"

Tigerclaw snapped his head over to his friend and stalked over to the dark cat, he smacked his paw over the other cat's head and walked back over to Tinyclaw.

"Sorry about that mouse brain," Tigerclaw mewed bluntly, "And I am not treating you like a kit," Tinyclaw opened his mouth to object, but Tigerclaw kept going, "I am treating you like my mate,"

Tinyclaw glared at him. How dare Tigerclaw suggest that they were mates?! How dare he say that right in front of the ThunderClan gossip cat, Darkstripe?!

"You know, if you cuddled me like that, I would call you 'Tigerstar'" Darkstripe mewed leaning his head in his paw.

Tigerclaw snapped his head over to Darkstripe and glared at him. Tinyclaw heard the voice of a she-cat from behind him.

"Hey, big guy, don't get so upset, it's the same for any she cat. I would love to be warmed up by that much fur," she mewed.

Tinyclaw turned around to see Goldenflower. Goldenflower had admired Tigerclaw for a long time now, she had obviously wanted to be his mate. Tinyclaw knew she had a good shot at it too, despite having battle scars beyond counting, she was a very beautiful cat, she had a lion like mane, just like her brother, Lionheart, and beautiful glossy, golden fur. Tinyclaw shot a look of jealousy at Tigerclaw; no cat had ever flirted with him, not even the cat he truly loved, Frostfur. He looked away as soon as Tigerclaw looked at him,  Tigerclaw said in the most caring voice possible,

"Don't get jealous, you have no clue how much Brindleface has her eye on you,"

Tinyclaw looked over to Brindleface's nest to see the gray she cat glaring thorns at Tigerclaw, but, soon as she noticed Tinyclaw's eyes on her, she gave a warm smile.

"Whatever, I am going to go do my job and train Firepaw," he said leaving the den only looking behind him to see Brindleface staring at him in sadness. He had never realized she liked him. He felt a pang guilt as he remembered how he had turned to Brindleface to help with his love for Frostfur, and, seeing as the two were sisters, she must feel insignificant.

Chapter 11: Confession Memories

Memories of the confession of his love for Brindleface's sister, Frostfur rushed into his mind.

Tinyclaw sat on the edge of the gorge, looking down and watching as the water whirled around twigs and rocks far below. It was night and stars, his warrior ancestors, glistened above him and the moon was large on the horizon. Tinyclaw felt a single snowflake hit his nose, it tickled. Suddenly he let out a small sneeze. He heard a gigglish purr arouse from behind him, he turned to see a ThunderClan she cat standing at the foot of the small hill he sat atop.

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