The Newcomer

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In this section, Tinypaw is now a warrior, so are all his friends. Bluefur is now leader of the clan. Tinyclaw finds himself falling in love with one of his old friends.

Chapter Six: Sunning Rocks

Tinyclaw, formerly known as Tinypaw, rushed into battle with his closest friend beside him, Tigerclaw. Tinyclaw looked to his other side to see Redtail, ThunderClan deputy, racing beside him, his already fluffy tail poofed out in anger. Tinyclaw broke out of the battle line to handle a group of apprentices who were ganging up on Longtail. Claws extended in a hissing fury he jumped on two of the apprentices who were side by side. Tinyclaw took two swipes and had them running for the river. He turned to Longtail and ordered him, "Cover Ravenpaw and Dustpaw!" he hissed. Longtail gave a quick nod and bolted for the young apprentices. Tinyclaw turned around to see Tigerclaw and Oakheart fighting. Tinyclaw prayed to StarClan his friend could get out of the fight without being hurt badly. Tinyclaw began to rush over to help Tigerclaw, but found he was too late. Oakheart slashed Tigerclaw's muzzle, leaving a large mark trailing across Tigerclaw's face. Tigerclaw managed to pin Oakheart down. Tinyclaw saw that Tigerclaw could handle it and went to tell Redtail to cut off the fight.

"Redtail! We have to retreat, too many ThunderClan cats are being hurt! Even Tigerclaw is struggling," Tinyclaw looked over to see Tigerclaw fighting off about five RiverClan apprentices. Redtail looked over to Tinyclaw and nodded in agreement.

"Retreat, ThunderClan, Retreat!" he yowled. The majority of warriors ran off but some ThunderClan warriors glared at Redtail. Tinyclaw ran off before an argument could start.

Chapter Seven: Revenge

Tinyclaw woke up late that morning because he had plenty of poppy seeds that Spottedleaf had given him to help with the pain of his injuries. He noticed Tigerclaw's nest was empty. He must be checking the RiverClan border. Tinyclaw yawned and left the warriors den. He got a warm feeling inside when he saw Sandpaw and Dustpaw playing with the kits by the nursery. He smiled and walked over to the fresh kill pile, he inhaled the aromas happily as he picked a squirrel off of the pile. But as he did so he picked up a strange scent coming from the entrance to the camp. He looked over to see Whitestorm and Lionheart,  but they were not alone, he saw a smaller, ginger tom wearing a blue collar following them. Tinyclaw eyed the young cat carefully, noting him to be a kittypet. I wonder why Bluestar never took his collar away?

Tinyclaw heard Longtail hissing from the warriors den. He couldn't blame Longtail for being angry, clan blood was important in the forest and if kittypets are let in too much, it will never be wild. Though, he was grateful for being in this clan, he agreed that too many kittypets in a clan ruins the point of it being a clan. He watched has he saw Lionheart, Whitestorm, and the kittypet walk over to him. He sunk his claws in the ground to refrain from walking away - Tinyclaw was very shy.

"Hello, Tinyclaw. I would like you to meet Rusty. He will be joining our clan," Lionheart meowed.

"Hi, Rusty," Tinyclaw quickly said before jerking his head back up to the older warriors, "You only brought him over here because I was a loner before I came here," he lied. No cat in the clan now, aside from Bluestar and Rosetail, who was now an elder, knew he was a former kittypet. Tawnyspots, Thrushpelt,  and Sunstar had all joined StarClan.

"I guess you could say that. But the real reason is that Bluestar asked us if you would temporarily mentor him until she can find a mentor that properly suits his personality." Whitestorm replied.

"I could," Tinyclaw knew Bluestar did not pick him because he was the best warrior,  it was simply the fact he was a kittypet, Tinyclaw growled as he headed towards high rock. He had no wish to even look at the kittypet. Last time he saw cats that lived in twoleg place was an awful time. He felt his memories rush into his thoughts.

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