Tinyclaw's New Path: Extras

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I bet you didn't imagine Whitefoot looking like Scourge, did you? You probably didn't because he had a completely different life for his to form what he looks like, he adapted to a different habitat if you will. So what did Tiny look like? What did Tinypaw look like? What did Tinyclaw look like? And how did Whitefoot's looks change when he became an elder? I am about to answer all of these questions with descriptions of the Warrior we have all come to know, and whom I have come to love. (seriously I was nearly brought to tears when I wrote his death, I didn't want him to go!)

So here is what you came for: descriptions for the cats I introduced newly to the story or cats you may not know the descriptions of!

Tiny: A young kittypet with one white paw Large, happy, icy blue eyes. A collar with a bell on it that hangs loosely around his neck. A short tail. He is small and a bit on the chubby.

Tinypaw: A smaller than average black apprentice with one white paw. His eyes are a bright icy blue colour. His fur is short, but messy. He has a small scar on his shoulder from a fight with a StarClan cat for his right to live in the forest. His tail is fairly short. He is of average weight for a cat his size.

Tinyclaw: He has a scar over his right eye from a fight with Bone. His fur is medium length, black, and he has one white paw. He is well muscled with long, sharp claws.  He has a scar that is fairly faded on his shoulder. He has two nicks in his left ear. His eyes are a duller than before, icy blue. He is the same size as the average apprentice

Whitefoot (senior warrior): Battle scarred with a ragged, groomed as well as possible pelt. His eyes are an icy coloured, dull blue. He has one folded over ear from all of the nicks in it. He has a faded black pelt with one white paw. He has long, sharp claws. He is the size of an apprentice.

Whitefoot (Elder): He has no fur around his eyes due to many scars surrounding them. He is blind with dull blue eyes. He is skinny, almost like a mummy. He has patchy, battle scarred fur. He is small, dark gray, and has one white paw. He has long, dull claws.》

Ruby (kit): She is a larger, dusty gray she~cat with a unidentified colourwise collar. She has green eyes.

Ruby (rogue): A skinny, dusty gray she~cat with a collar with no definite colour, the collar has one or two dog teeth from Samwise in it. She has battle scars. She has green eyes

Blood (leader): Well muscled dusty gray she~cat with a collar full of dog teeth, claws, and other bones. She is battle scarred with green eyes.》

Socks (kit): Black and white tom with long, fluffy fur. He has blue eyes and a collar with a bell. He is the largest kit of his litter.

Socks (Rogue): Skinny, underweight black and white tom with a collar that has cat claws in it.

Claw (leader): Well muscled, battle scarred black and white tom. He has a collar with dog, cat, and other animal teeth and claws in it.》

Clearing things up:

I bet there was a few things in here that you wondered why they happened or what happened next. Right? Well, I am going to answer those questions for you.

What ever happened to the prophecy that Ashkit should be killed?

Whitefoot finds out that because he wasn't there to help his son handle falling in love, Ashfur didn't handle it well at all. Whitefoot found out what Spottedleaf had mean't when Ashfur helped take one of Firestar's lives and burn Leafpools kits alive. Whitefoot was disqusted in his son, for he too knew what it was like to be regected. He hadn't gotten mad when Frostfur didn't return his feelings and Whitefoot couldn't comprehend how Ashfur thought was he was doing was okay. Whitefoot was, however, pleased to have his son in StarClan with him, but he did ignore Ashfur for a very long time as a punishment for what his son had done. I plan to go into deeper detail with this in a short story.

Why did Whitefoot deside to kill Claw the way he did?

Whitefoot remembered having a training session in the Dark Forest on how to take multiple lives from a leader, he used the move he learned on Claw.

Why did Socks and Ruby become evil?

They saw what Tinyclaw had with his clan life and became dangerously jealous. They met Bone and Brick who said if they didn't get rid of a disruptive dog they would have to leave twoleg place. Ruby and Socks fought the dog and eventually scared it off. The cats of twoleg place saw this and praised them. Socks and Ruby ceased this oppertunity to demean Tinyclaw once again.

Why did you make Tigerclaw and Whitefoot have a romance?

I wanted some gay love in this, so I did it. I also needed a reason for Whitefoot to continue his training in the Dark Forest even after Tigerclaw died because he had only joined to discover Tigerclaw's whereabouts so he could murder him.

Why did Brindleface become mates with Whitefoot?

How I had written him made it perfect for him to be her mate. I also found it suiting that he was the father of Ashfur, seeing as in the actual books Ashfur's real father is never mentioned.

Why were some scenes different from the actual books?

Copyrights things :/

Why did you make basically a whole part for Tinyclaw being a kittypet?

Because I wanted he and his mother to bond again and I wanted him to meet his father and realise Firestar was his brother and that Tallstar and Jake were hella gay for eachother.

Here is just little facts about the story:

Whitefoot favoured Ferncloud over Ashfur because she reminded him so much of Brindleface. He still loved both of his kits though.

Whitefoot and Brindleface are mates in StarClan.

Brindleface was not mad about Whitefoot growing close to Frostfur after she died because she knew her mate and sister would never betray her like that.

Frostfur never returned Tinyclaw's feelings for her.

Bluestar saw Tinyclaw as a son and was happy she could raise him and Whitestorm because she missed her own kits.

Whitefoot and Stonefur are close friends in StarClan.

Whitefoot watched over Ivypool and Dovewing because they were his great grand kits (Whitefoot fathers Ferncloud, Ferncloud mothers Birchfall, Birchfall fathers Ivypool and Dovewing, they are also related to Whitefoot trough Princess, Cloudtail, and Whitewing because Princess was his half sister)

Whitefoot watched over all of Ferncloud's kits and still does in StarClan

Tigerclaw returned Whitefoot's feelings of love.

Quince and Jake are still alive and well, Nutmeg has a new mate and Jake and Quince are living happily together in the home of a new twoleg.

Unlike the other StarClan cats, Whitefoot followed the cats sent to find Midnight to make sure they were safe.

Whitefoot welcomed Firestar to StarClan.

Whitefoot no longer has feelings for Tigerclaw.

Tinyclaw was there for Bluefur's kitting.

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