Chapter 24

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In the next class I really needed to pee so I asked if I could go to the bathroom and for some reason Santana did the exact same thing. In the bathroom we started talking. If you can call it talking.

Every word that was said, was yelled. It didn't make me feel good but we had to do it.

S: "What the hell Y/n? Why didn't you just come home? Huh?"

Y: "Home? Well probably because of the letter I wrote for you and I wasn't ready to face you! That's why! I hope that you read it because otherwise this would be really fockin' dumb."

S: "Of course I read it! It broke my heart! But you know what I did? I read it again, and again, and again and again till it didn't hurt anymore. The moment I felt pure rage, I stopped reading. I ran to the gym and beat up everything and everyone. I won from everyone. All because of you!"

Y: "Wow, now I feel flattered! You could beat up some random people because of me! I bet that you thought they were all me! Santana, I never meant to hurt you but if I didn't tell you that I wouldn't be able to live with myself so back off!"

S: "No, I won't back off! You broke up with me via letter! You couldn't even record a message saying what you wrote! I had to fake a smile in front of the world for the past days. I was heartbroken! Only Kurt saw my true feelings! Why did you left! And not just went to Kurt or something! Y-"

Y: "No, Santana! You don't have a say in my life or my decisions anymore! You can stay at my house as long as you want but you have no right to tell me anything!"

You walk out of the bathroom, but not before you said this in normal tone.

Y: "And by the way, I know that you have been having sex with Brittany. The moment she steps in my house you are out!"

You leave very dramatically. When you walk outside you see Brittany standing there. She heard everything.

B: "But Y/n, Santana told me it wasn't cheating because there were mostly sweet lady kisses. Please don't break up with Santana because of me. If you want I can stop seeing Santana. I got Artie anyway."

Y: "Hey Brit. This is not your fault. It just wasn't gonna work out between me and Santana, so if you want you can keep Santana and Artie but ummmm I do have to tell you the truth; The moment you kiss someone else or have sex with someone else, someone else being not your boyfriend or girlfriend, you are cheating. So you are cheating on Artie with Santana every time you have sex with her."

B: "I don't want to hurt Artie. Me and Santana can be friends right?"

Y: "I hope so. She is really gonna need a friend now."

The whole day Santana gave me dead stares. I saw Brittany thinking literally the whole day. That was really nice because at the end of the day she knew what she needed to do. I was kinda eavesdropping. Shhhhhh.

B: "Santana we need to talk. I love you very much. But I also love Artie. I know you said I wasn't cheating because it's you and me and not another guy and me. But Y/n told me the truth. At least she is a true friend."

I wouldn't say a true friend but let's keep on listening.

S: "Of course Y/n told you that. That bitch. I swear to god, I'm gonna go all Lima Heights on her ass. That Shuester."

B: "HEY, don't blame her for telling me the truth! I would've found out about it anyway! Santana stop lying to me! I know everything!"

S: "What do you mean by everything? What do you know exactly?"

B: "I know that you and Y/n broke up because of me and I know that Y/n went missing. Isn't that everything? You seemed scared?"

S: "No, no. That is everything............. *whisper* Y/n better not tell her about my house.... *normal voice again* Brittany. The moment you got your common sense back, you know where I'll be."

B: "No, I don't, but I'll just ask Y/n when I need to!"

S: *yelling while walking away* "No, you won't! She won't know either!"

Santana is walking in your direction, so you stand up and just start walking in her direction. When you guys bump into each other, Santana says: "I'll get you one day, Shuester." "Try me, Lopez" is your answer.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A few days later ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Santana and her mom began house hunting right after her talk with Brittany. Since then me and Brittany are much closer. She is really funny when you truly get to know her. Her relationship with her cat is a bit weird but it's okay. I do miss Santana a bit. Okay fine, a lot. She and her mom have found a house a couple of hours ago. So in a few days they are moving out. I'm gonna miss Santana but I'm also gonna miss her mom. Maribel. I think I am ready to call her that if she'll let me.

The next morning Santana is already at school but Maribel is cooking breakfast.

Y: "Hey Maribel......."

M: "Y/n, what did you just call me?"

Y: "I'm sorry! Was that inappropriate?"

M: "No! Finally! I know that you and Santana are not a thing anymore, but since we lived together for a whole year it's really nice. Thank you Y/n. I really needed a happy moment. Thanks for giving it to me."

You and Maribel hug each other. She even starts crying. When you get out of the hug, you start eating breakfast and go to school without saying another word because I know she is moving out today. I saw the schedule by accident. I do know her address because my clumsiness. It's not very far away from my house so every now and then I can see her happy every now and then.

School's done. I come home to an empty house. They left. Forever. Yesterday in the evening me and Maribel made an agreement. She will send me some money every month so I don't get evicted. Hopefully Santana isn't going to go all bitch mode on my ass. If she does so she better be ready for the Y/n-rage. The last time I used the Y/n-rage on someone they ended up in the hospital and I was suspended for a month. A good thing I could follow the lessons from home. That wasn't forbidden. A good thing. Because I really didn't feel like catching up with everything I missed the whole month. Only PE was not possible to follow from home so during that lesson I ran. My condition was never better. Now it's back to being Bad. Yes, with a capital B. If I run from my house to the house 2 doors away, I'm out of breath. I know, BAD. Anyway, ever since the conversation of Santana and Brittany and then Santana bumped into me, things aren't the same. For some reason, Sue has me at the bottom of the pyramid and Santana took my place. But since her boob job she was demoted to bottom of the pyramid by Sue. Really weird. 

It's been a few days and Santana is suddenly with Sam. It's like the whole school forgot she is gay....... When I ask Brittany about this, she says that Santana said to the whole school that she was just joking. She said to the whole school that she was just using me because she wanted to know how it felt like to have a girl. Now that she knows, she isn't interested anymore. Bullshit. When I heard that, my heart broke. I guess she never really loved me. Or maybe I broke her heart just too harsh. Well, now she is none of my business anymore so let's just forget her. Or should I? Let's worry about this later. Now focus on what Brittany is saying.

A/n: for the people who don't know when we are in the glee universe, we are in season 2. And I would really appreciate it if all of you could read en comment on my other story "strangers". It's not a fanfic so if you guys don't like it just tell me. Thanks.

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