The panic

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Y/n POV:

Y/n:I don't- I don't think there scarred of us. I think they might be a little worried is all.

She looked down.

Joon-hee:(maybe, but if they weren't scarred then would they feel the need to lock us up in a place like this?)

You tried to avoid the question, they weren't really going to keep you here were they?

Y/n:so what can you do anyways?

Joon-hee:(I hate it .)

Y/n:I don't mind mine, it's... peaceful.

She leaned toward in curiosity.

Y/n:you want to see it? I can't show anything big after what I showed the doctor but-

You rubbed your hands together and clapped them. Causing them to both glow an extremely bright white light. Her mood seemed to relax a little bit as she starred at your hands.

Joon-hee:(it's so pretty...)

Y/n:I'm sure yours is to, can I see yours?

She leaned back and reluctantly looked at her hands. She then looked around for an something, she grabbed a water bottle next to her chair.

Joon-hee:(could you back up a little bit?)

You got up from your chair and backed away. She lifted up her sleeves, place the bottle in the palm of her hand. Suddenly a gust of wind began to lift the bottle up very slowly, the girls arms began to slightly glow blue.

Joon-hee:(I'm...surprised I'm holding it!)

Y/n:that looks so cool!

Joon-hee:(it feels pretty weird but-)

But just as she was starting to smile the bottle started to move around a little bit.

Joon-hee:(oh crap, come on!)

Now the bottle was moving around like crazy, then after a few seconds the bottle shot out of her hand and went flying all across the room. When to bottle finally settled on the floor the girl looked like she was about to break, but you weren't paying attention to her right now.

Y/n:that. was. AWESOME!!!

She jumped back at your reaction.

Y/n:you gotta do that again! Can you shoot big objects to?


Y/n:man! Wind? That's crazy!

Joon-hee: (no ones ever reacted like that towards my power before.)

Y/n:why? That's so cool!

Joon-hee:(no one else seems to think that way...but it's nice to have someone who likes it. I like your power to, it seems a lot easier to control than mine.)

Y/n:feels like it, it's just really tiring. Using it makes me feel like I just ran as fast as I could for hours.

Joon-hee:(where- where are you from?)

Doctor POV:

The same doctor that interviewed y/n was watching both him and his new friend as the continued to talk and show eachother small fragments of there powers.

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