Crazy Bot

918 27 13

Y/n POV:

Y/n:what year? Why would you-

Kay/o:that is MY concern y/n l/n.

Y/n:how do you know my name?!

Kay/o:you wouldn't believe me if I told you.

Y/n:dude. People can shoot rocks out of there arms and bring down buildings in a single punch, whatever it is your thinking of telling me I'm sure it ain't that bad.

He turned away to find a seat.

Kay/o:somethings coming y/n, something that I alone can't stop.

Y/n:what's coming? And again how do you know this?

Kay/o:until I know I can trust you I can't say. For now me a psychic or somethings.

You laughed in disbelief.

Y/n:a psychic? A robot psychic really?

Kay/o:you wanted to know how I knew your name right? I practically know everyone here.

Y/n:ok I'm calling bull you just got here!

Kay/o:you have a brother and mother. Your father was killed during the first light, your power involves the flux. A sort of dimension of light, your brothers powers involve-

Y/n:ok what the hell?! How do you-

He pointed to his head.

Kay/o:psychic remember?

Y/n:that's a blatant lie and you know it!

He brought his hand down and leaned back.

Kay/o: I know everything about everyone here. There names, there pasts, how there powers work.


You stopped yourself from speaking anymore. He was starting to get a rise out of you but you couldn't let him see that.

Kay/o:you always were to emotional...can't tell weather that was your biggest flaw or your greatest quality.

Y/n:what do you mean were?

He then stood up.

Kay/o:your right y/n. I'm no psychic, don't think that's even possible for machines...but I do know everything there is to know about you and everyone outside that door.

Y/n:I'll ask ONE last time, how?

Kay/o:because they told me...and so did you. Sometimes it was willingly, other times I had to heat it outta them.

Y/'ve never even met them?

Kay/o:no...not yet anyways. But in a couple years from now I'll get all the information I currently have.

Y/n:couple years-

The idea finally hit you in the face.

Y/n:wait wait, are you honestly saying your from the future?

Kay/o:correct, I can't tell you how far or exactly what happens. All you need to know is that right now? It's bad. REAL bad.

Y/n:is that why you came here? You think the protocol can help?

Kay/o:in some manner of way yes.

Y/n:I hate to tell you buddy but we got some crazy problems of our own. Problems involving clones of us.

Kay/o:excuse me?

You quickly explained to him the current situation the protocol was in.

Y/n:I'm barely managing to wrap my head around the situation myself but it's true. And they just won't stop coming!

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