" 02

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you three were walking through the hallways, 

laughing and joking around - when suddenly people started rushing past, hurriedly pushing past you guys - they seemed excited but at the same time shocked and worried. 

" wait, don't tell me there's a zombie apocalypse .. " you commented, " the huh ?? " replied yumiko. you guys saw one of your classmates run by, 

" yuji-kun ! what's going on ?  " asked aoki - the male quickly turned around to answer before dashing off again, " that popular third year senpai is confessing to that blondie from the volleyball team !!  ". 

the girls looked at you as you stared at them " w-what ? i don't like him !? " you remarked trying to deny the looks they gave you, 

" but .. hurry up let's go watch it ! "

" aww ! kenma you're so cute ~ "

people surrounded the two whilst you and the girls squeezed through the crowd, as you pushed through to get a front-seat view.

 you laid your eyes on the panicking male who's eyes moved all around the crowd whilst he slightly covered his face with his game console.

you then diverted it to the tall long haired female, who was flirtatiously playing with her hair.

 17 year old hirota shinju

the darn nastiest girl ever. not only was she embarrassing him and pressurising him, to say yes in front of a whole crowd, she started getting closer. 

she pushed his console down, in order to see his face and gently pushed his hair behind his ear. she then gently held his face - and at this point kenma was terrified.

just frozen on the spot, he couldn't do anything cause she was a senior - and more so he was too afraid,

" so .. whaddya say, date your senpai ! hm ? "

" i-i um ..


picture, to create an image of the 'hirota shinju' (art not mine, found on pinterest)

picture, to create an image of the 'hirota shinju' (art not mine, found on pinterest)

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name: hirota shinju

age: 17

year: third

personality: controlling, self-centred 

finally got the urge to write again, wonder when it'll come back tho ..

thanks for reading "

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